Episode 8: What is your Decision?

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"Dream Island Academy.. Will shut down..?" 

Pin shockingly said. She couldn't believe it. Without thinking, she burst through the door.

"Will Dream Island actually shut down!?" Pin exclaimed. 

"Wha- Hey!" Taco was surprised. 

"Is it true that it will shut down!?" Pin couldn't believe it at all.

The rest were waiting outside hearing the conversation that Pin, Taco and the Chairperson were having. Liy and Leafy came in to hear about it too. 

"Yes. It's true." Taco said. 

"A-Are we still NOT good enough!?" Leafy didn't want to think that what she and the rest had done for the past few days were all just a waste. They worked so hard after all.

"Please! Give us one more week! Or two more days! Just anything, to not let this school shut down!!" Pin pleaded the Chairperson. 

"Wait, Pin." Taco raised her hand to Pin's face. 

"The school will shut down if the open house is badly received, that's all."

"The middle school students will take a survey when they visit and if there are not enough good responses, the school will shut down." Taco explained. 

"Oh, that's all.. Phew!" Pin was relieved. 

"But, that's not something you should feel good about. The open house is already in two weeks on Sunday." Taco said. 


"T-T-T-Two weeks!?" Leafy exclaimed, as she alarmingly looked at Pin and Liy. 

"Chairperson, I suggest that we should hold events for the open house." Taco recommended. 

There was a brief silence, until Taco said something. 

"Hmph, I'll be waiting for your response. Now, if you excuse me.." Taco then exited out the room. 

Liy felt a bit of concern for Taco. The fact that Taco could dance really well is still buried deep inside her mind. She couldn't help but put on such a troubled face.

Taco then closed the door, but heard Lollipop from behind, "So, what are you going to do now?" Lollipop asked. 

"Lollipop.." Taco felt unsure.

"We have to do something.." Pin turned to Leafy and Liy.


"So what are we gonna do now..?" Needle asked worriedly. 

"Well, we should definitely hold a live concert there!" Pin suggested. "We just have to do something." Pin added.

Meanwhile, the student council members were having a meeting on the open house.

"I will need suggestions for the open house now. Please tell me anything that will attract students to join our school." Taco informed the other student councils.

The others were feeling unsure in telling Taco, continuously looking at each other. 

"...What's wrong?" Taco asked. 

"Uh.. Nothing." a student council said. 

"Just say it. Who knows, it may be a good idea." Lollipop said. 

"Well.. I think we should advertise stuff that will make people like our school!" a student council suggested. 

"Oh, like object idol groups! They're really popular right now, right?" another student council suggested. 

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