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'King!? Jungkook's a king!? Of which kingdom!? Why is he a pirate then?! Did he flee? But why would he?-' thousands of questions stormed through the raven's mind. His curiosity growing and growing by the minute. At this point, he might just barge in and ask his questions without thinking of the consequences.

But eventually, Taehyung got the answer to one of his questions.

"But sire why won't you claim your rightful throne? Avirum is your kingdom" the voice which Taehyung now knew as Yoongi asked sounding desperate.

'Jungkook is the king of Avirum' Taehyung was shocked than ever before. Words of what he said that night to the pirates flashing before his eyes.

Avirum is a fallen kingdom...

The last king was corrupted...

He brought his own kingdom to ruins...

Taehyung slapped a hand against his mouth, his eyes going wide once gasped a little too loud.

Instantly the chatter inside the tent stopped. Taehyung was about to bolt but his legs were shaking. "Who's there?" He heard the Yoongi guy mumble.

Before Taehyung could do anything the tent's curtain got pushed to the side and Jungkook's face came into his view. The latter looked as surprised as he did. "What are you doing here Taehyung?" Jungkook asked sternly. The raven gulped. "I-I-" he stuttered.

"It's obvious he was eavesdropping" Yoongi spat as he narrowed his eyes at the petit male. Taehyung was shaking under the glare. "Why are you here Taehyung?" Jungkook again asked in a stern voice. His posture doing no better for the frightened male.

Jungkook seemed to notice this and softened his features. "How much did you hear?" He asked now in a soft voice.

Taehyung looked at him and was struggling to speak under the pressure. He heard Yoongi scoff. "He probably heard everything. I should just whip him, then he'd start talking" Yoongi said harshly. Taehyung could feel the tears prickling his eyes.

Jungkook saw the raven's tears and his blood started boiling. "Touch one hair of his and I'll skin you alive Yoongi! Don't test me!" Jungkook practically growled in rage. Yoongi who has never been intimidated in his life flinched.

Taehyung flinched too but got engulfed in a warm hug pretty soon after. The manly scent relaxing him as he clutched onto Jungkook's shirt. "Don't be scared pretty. I'm sorry for shouting. I didn't mean to give you a freight" Jungkook sweetly mumbled beside Taehyung's ear making him feel all giddy.

The raven didn't even care at this point if Jungkook was a king or whatnot. All he knew was that he felt safe in those strong arms.

"Y-you treat him like this? Why?!" Yoongi asked shocked to see the blond so emotional. Jungkook turned to glare at him. "He was the prince of Daagi. Now he's a sailor of my ship, so I suggest you watch the way you talk to him Yoongi" Jungkook warned. He knew how sharp the other's tongue was, he didn't want Taehyung to get hurt by his words.

He looked down at the raven who patted his chest to gain his attention. "Don't scold him, captain. He's just worried about you" Taehyung said softly so the blond could understand his point. Jungkook's furrowed brows flattened as he stared at the beauty astonished.

Taehyung turned to the other male and offered him a smile. The latter getting caught off guard by the beautiful gesture from the male who was still in the Captain's arms. "I know you're just being cautious of me Hyung but I really mean no harm. I apologize for eavesdropping. I never intended to do so but I couldn't help it, I'm a curious man you see" Taehyung said and giggled making both of them smile involuntarily at the cute sound.

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