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"Are there any lands up ahead before we reach our Island?" One of the crewmates asked the other. "I don't think so." One said.

The pirates were sitting around the deck with rum and supper as they talked their way through the night.

They did this once in a while to keep themselves sane in this vast but rather lonely sea. "I think there is though!" The first mate said out loud. All eyes turned to him.

"Which one?" Another asked. "Jose' island" suddenly a new voice spoke. All the sailors turned to look at the prince.

Taehyung smiled at them with a Jimin peeking over his shoulder. The man was very much aggravated after seeing Gyum get washed down into the sea.

"Well looks like someone knows their geography!" One man chimed. Taehyung remembered him being called Lay.

"May we sit with you? It gets much lonely in the cellar" the prince politely asked. "Of course! Join us!" Hoseok aka the first mate chimed in ushering them to the vacant seats.

"Tell us 'bout yerself" Changmin asked. "What would you like to know?" Taehyung asked in return.

"Hmm, what was life like bein' a prince," Changmin asked again. All the pirates looking at him expectantly.

Taehyung sucked in a deep breath, Jimin looked at him in worry. But Taehyung was strong, otherwise, he wouldn't have survived this long.

"Well, if I were to describe it in one word..." The raven paused, the pirates honed in to listen.

"It was hell" the Daagi prince deadpanned. Jimin looked away with a sad sigh as it turned dead silent. But then the pirates started to laugh.

"Surely you're joking!" Hoseok said in between his laughter. But that soon died down once they saw the prince just stare at them blankly.

"Wait, you're serious?" Hyunbin asked unsurely. Taehyung just sent him a tight-lipped smile. "Why do you call it hell?" Jyojoon asked.

"I believe it-" Jimin wanted to change the subject seeing it was a rather sensitive topic, but Taehyung interrupted him. "The people of Daagi are very poor. And that is the fruit of our greedy ministers and of course, my parents." Taehyung started. The deep resentment in his voice left the pirates to grasp for air.

"They always stayed in their protected palace refusing to go out and see the demise they were- are causing. They just wanted to suck in all the money from the poor and live their lavish lives. And I didn't want that.

Those people were suffering and I wanted to end that. I was the next ruler. And so I barged into one of the grand meetings you see. I told them to understand the gravity of their doings. I told them off in front of the people and do you know what happened?" He asked, his eyes teary. The pirates gulped as they were all at the edge of their seats.

Jimin was crying silently. "The people, whom I was fighting for, for whom I went up against my family, they 'boo'ed at me and took me away and threw me into the gates of the prison tower. And my family watched them with wide smirks of victory" Taehyung's voice became heavy and his breathing was labored.

"Blasphemy!" Lay said angrily. "They don't deserve yer kindness, little prince!" Changmin said equally as aggravated. Taehyung chuckled and smiled at them. "You guys are nice. Thank you"

"So what happened then?" Ahn, the youngest pirate crew asked. Jyojoon who sat beside him gave his head a smack for ruining the moment, making the other pout and the rest laugh.

"Well, after that they'd come over into my darkroom and talk to me and try to persuade me into becoming like them, they'd say such horrible things to make me lose the little self-confidence I had left. It was a very unpleasant period of my life.

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