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The sea again sways the ship with its calm waves. The moon watching over the serene view from above. But this time Taehyung could enjoy the view without the restraints of his cage.

It is to say that the captain and crew were quite amused and pleased with the prince's little stunt. The action may have gained him a bit more trust from the crewmates.

"You're free to walk around the deck little princess. But don't think about walking into the bunkers. Those are still off-limits" the ship captain's words exactly.

But Taehyung was satisfied with his newfound freedom. Slight it may be, but now he could walk around the outer deck with ease and get different sides of the view to the vast sea canvas.

Though it didn't change much from whichever direction he chose to view from, it still gave his mind mental satisfaction and peace.

Kim Taehyung could never get bored of the Caribbean.

He was alone as Jimin was still in the confinement of their cage, not comfortable yet to roam around. But he'll get there.

"Don't you ever sleep?" A raspy voice spoke up suddenly, the Daagi prince jolting up at the sound. "You scared me, captain Jeon!" The petit male shrieked.

The blonde raised an eyebrow at him. "you get scared of me speaking, but not when you get kidnapped and imprisoned in a pirate ship?" The male asked amused.

Taehyung huffed. "I flinch at sudden noises or sounds, it's a reflex!" The prince pouted after the sentence. Jungkook chuckled lightly at that and looked back to the sea.

"Besides, after all the things I've seen and been through...if you were in my place you wouldn't be afraid either. This ship is the best thing that has happened to me" Taehyung whispered out. His face now grim and his eyes dull and soulless.

Jungkook caught on to the sudden mood swing immediately. "I didn't go through what you did nor do I know anything about you little princess. But I can say with confidence that every single one of us in this ship can relate to you in some way."

"Really?" Taehyung asked solemnly but the desperation in his voice spoke volumes on just how much he wanted that statement to be true. "You'd be surprised" a slight smile adorned the captain's lips. A silent reassurance.

"Thanks, captain Jeon" the prince now smiled a little. Grateful for the usually stoic man's kind gesture.

"Call me Jeon. 'Captain' is reserved for only my sailors" Jungkook corrected, though he didn't mean any taunt by it. It was the ship's unspoken rule. And technically Taehyung was still their prisoner.

"But doesn't Jeon sound a bit too informal?" Taehyung asked a bit hesitant. Jungkook rose another amused eyebrow. "What part of a pirate seems formal to you? Is it the accent or the rum?" He teased and chuckled making Taehyung laugh heartily.

The atmosphere lightening up instantly. "Go to sleep little princess. You won't get any when the sun goes up" were his last words before the captain retired to his chambers not waiting for a reply.

"Will do Captain Jeon" Taehyung whispered to himself as he watched Jungkook's figure disappear inside the bunkers with a smile.

The next morning was noisier than usual. The barrels hitting the wooden flooring, chains being moved, and whatnot.

The pirates were up with the sun and just as energetic. Doing their daily chores with enthusiasm and loud laughter. It was organized chaos once more, but this time it was a bit louder due to two new people observing their daily routine.

Caribbean Nights S1 (vkook)Where stories live. Discover now