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The waves crashed against the wooden body of the giant ship. The force gently swaying the large structure side to side. The wind howled in the night as the cold breeze sent goosebumps to litter on skins.

This night in the Caribbean was peaceful like many of the other nights. No harsh winds or unwanted sea creatures causing havoc on the deck. The pirates were sleeping. Most of them at least. Their noisy gruff voices non-existent as the moon shone its brightest.

The young prince breathed in the salty air and sighed in content. His crystal blue eyes staring at the calm waters that had turned black along with the night sky. This blackness gave him so much peace that it oftentimes shocked him.

This blackness was much different from the darkness he was accustomed to. It gave him a sense of tranquility that he never thought darkness could provide.

This prince was once a captive of his own people, bent to their rules and wills. A puppet of their commands. It didn't matter if he was to be the next ruler of the Kingdom. His parents and court seemed to enjoy breaking him to their pleasure.

And so he ran. Far far away from the brick made walls that suffocated him. From the sinister smiles and ruthless minds that tortured him. He ran and ran till his feet could stand no more.

Only to become the captive of the sea.

Yet he finds being held captive in the vast ocean and among the free is far better than the puppetry he was forced to play.

"Prince Taehyung, do you like being their captive? I'm sorry if my curiosity seems rude" Jimin, Taehyung's personal butler asked. The male being shackled right beside him.

"It is alright. But why do you ask?" The prince counter questioned. "You seem so at peace sire. I have never seen you in such a calm state before" Jimin answered.

Taehyung chuckled. "Well, you may be right about that Jimin-ah." He smiled softly as his eyes yet again gazed at the vast ocean.

"I see. Well, I must say it is a good expression on you sire. However, I believe it would have been better if the circumstances weren't so dire" Jimin gave up on his initial question and showed his discomfort at their current position.

Shackled inside a cell bunker.

Taehyung chuckled once more at his words. "Go to sleep Jimin-ah. You won't get any rest once they wake up" the prince suggested to the latter and smiled at him shortly before resuming to gaze out into the neverending waters.

And true to the raven's words, once the sun rose to its peak, the shipmen awoke. The noises and shouts following along with their consciousness.

"Land Ho!" The first mate shouted. The loud noise causing Taehyung to jolt awake. The raven looked around to see what was happening but to no luck. He only noticed Jimin panicking beside him.

The prince of Daagi felt bad for getting his poor butler involved. Jimin had nothing to do with Taehyung's sudden escapade. The poor boy was just at the wrong place at the wrong time.

The door to their cell bunker suddenly burst open making Jimin squeak loudly. The prince looked with wide as two buff pirates walked into the small space.

"You two are coming with us. Can't have you escaping." One of the pirates teased before Taehyung and his butler were roughly dragged out into the deck.

Taehyung watched with wide fascinated eyes as the deck ran into organized chaos.

Pirates running everywhere. Some getting things, others throwing things, few of them shouting out orders. It was crazy and noisy everywhere the raven looked. However, the noise didn't bother him in the slightest.

Caribbean Nights S1 (vkook)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat