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Taehyung found himself walking around the busy bazaar of Perios where the street merchants sold anything one's heart could desire. He had once sneaked out of the palace to visit this very bazaar. He loved every second of it though it was a rushed visit.

But let's just say the consequences he faced afterward weren't that pleasant.

The young prince shuddered at the memory. His companion beside him seemed to notice that little jitter.

Oh, did I forget to mention that the captain was glued to his side the whole time?

With an iron grip on his tied wrists?

The blonde male stared at him intensely. Taehyung could feel his burning gaze on him. Almost like he was scanning every speck of his being.

The prince visibly gulped due to nervousness. "What was that?" He heard him ask. And oh did Taehyung almost combust at his voice. It was sweet and smooth like honey. Yet it was stern and cold like a winter morning breeze.

He almost forgot what the captain asked him in the midst of his swooning session but fortunately kept himself grounded. "N-nothing" he terribly stuttered out.

Bad move.

Because the next thing he knew he was dragged to a secluded corner where very few eyes would travel to and slammed against the wall.

He hissed slightly at the rough impact but didn't have the time to dawdle on it more as his hands were pinned above his head and his chin was roughly grabbed. Forcing him to look at the captain's stunning face.

"Don't lie to me, little princess. You answer truthfully to every question I ask you. Am I clear" he wasn't asking, he was demanding. Taehyung gulped and tried to nod with the bruising grip still on his jaw.

"Words" the blonde demanded once more. Taehyung gulped "y-yes" he softly stuttered out.

You can ignore the pink blush that adorned his cheeks and also unnotice the fact that he was aroused by the sudden manhandling.

"Good. Now I will ask again, what was that jolt earlier?" The blonde asked once more, his voice barely above a whisper. "I-I just remembered a bad experience"

"And what kind of a bad experience would a princess like you have faced?" He rather mocks than asked. Now that hurt Taehyung's feelings.

He could feel his eyes glass over at the underlying insult. A soft sniff leaving him unintentionally. His big puppy eyes staring at the captain's dark orbs that seemed to have a glint of shock and somewhat guilt.

"Please don't mock" the prince's voice cracked slightly. Jeongguk's eyes stared at him for a bit more. Almost like he was searching for something. The blonde sighed once the first tear slipped past the prince's beautiful eyes. "We're heading back" the captain declared instead and dragged him along.

Taehyung tried to compose himself as they walked. Blinking rapidly to shed away the tears. His heart thumping with the sorrows of his past.

It didn't take them long to return to the port. He saw that the pirates were done with their stocking up already and just waited for the captain's arrival.

Jimin jumped up excited at the sight of Taehyung returning in one piece. Taehyung smiled at him to ease away his tensions. Burying his pain deep in his heart and locking it once more.

The captain let go of his wrists, not meeting the prince's gaze anymore. But Taehyung didn't think much of it and started to advance towards Jimin.

Caribbean Nights S1 (vkook)Where stories live. Discover now