36. Hot Chocolate

Start from the beginning

Taehyung pouted lightly, his eyes searching the sparks that used to live in Jeongguk's eyes. They were gone, along with the bunny smile. And Taehyung wonder if his own eyes looked as dull and void as his. "I miss... I miss my home" the omega said and saw how Jeongguk flinched again at hearing his voice. "It was time for me to come back..."

"Why? You should have stayed there" Jeongguk spat back, a hint of pain in his voice. Pain and anger, are a dangerous combination.

Another pang in Taehyung's heart but he thought he deserved it. He deserved Jeongguk's hate, after all, he was the one responsible for taking away the sparks and the smiles from him. He sighed offering a weak grin at the alpha. "I guess it'd be easier if I did that, huh?" the blonde said softly, and before Jeongguk could answer he spoke again. "Do you want to have a hot chocolate with me?" the blonde asked but Jeongguk was frowning even deeper, not answering. "Please? It's cold in here..."


Taehyung and Jeongguk were sitting inside a small coffee shop after that. Taehyung tried to ease the tension between them while Jeongguk looked constipated. The alpha was strained and anxious, avoiding at all costs looking at Taehyung directly into his eyes. Taehyung internally laugh at himself, he thought he was the one panicking the most, hiding and acting like a freak earlier, but in the end, Jeongguk was the same or even worst than him.

"So how you've been?" Taehyung asked, breaking the silence.

Jeongguk scoffed, ignoring his black and sugarless coffee on the table. "Do you even care?"

"I do care..." the omega replied hating how difficult it was to talk with his ex-boyfriend now. "I know you are doing good... Namjoon kept me updated from time to time"

Jeongguk frowned again, at this point the alpha was going to get wrinkles. "Do you ask about me?" he wonder, and Taehyung nodded startled. "Why? Why do you care?"

"Jeongguk..." the blonde began to say, leaving his mug of hot chocolate on the table. "I'm sorry"

"You always said that huh?" the alpha scoffed again with a mocking grin. A grin that disappeared as fast as it came. "You're always sorry" he spat with anger in his words, standing up abruptly, making Taehyung flinch. "You broke my heart. I don't want to see you ever again" the alpha said, pain written on his handsome features as he left the coffee shop with firm and quick steps, leaving Taehyung all alone.

"I definitely deserved that" the omega muttered to himself, looking at the empty seat where his ex-boyfriend was previously sitting. His enchanting musky scent still lingers around. Having your soulmate rejected you felt cold again, but after the pain, Taehyung felt three years ago this was nothing. But a heart can heal. And he was prepared to heal Jeongguk's heart.


Jeongguk was angry. He was so angry and so frustrated he didn't know why tears kept running down his cheeks while he kept driving toward his apartment. His reunion with Min&Ko was forgotten, as well as his boxing practice. All he wanted to do was to crawl into his bed and sleep. The alpha kept cleaning those tears, he didn't even feel emotions anymore then why tears appeared? Jeongguk didn't understand. He felt weak, Taehyung made him weak. Why? Why Taehyung had to come back at that very moment?


"Fuck" Jeongguk muttered to himself, roughly ruffling his hair.

For the past three years, Jeongguk tried his best to avoid mentioning Taehyung's name, as well as thinking about the omega. He erased all their pictures together to try and forget about his face. He wanted to forget about the lines and curves that made that beautiful face. He tried to forget that voice too, that deep and sweet like honey voice. He wished of meeting Taehyung again, but this time finding him smelly and ugly. But that was delusional of him because the male omega was so fucking beautiful, and he smelt like heaven for him.

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