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(Doing another chappy in Rowan's POV cuz it feels right)

Also some brief sexy times


Rowan's POV:

Ciaran and I hold hands as we enter the palace, walking straight to my father's office where he is most likely plotting to save myself and Ciaran.

As I thought, he is sitting at the desk when we open the door, and he turns around with annoyance written on his face, which fades as soon as he sees us.

He jumps up and runs over to us, pulling both of us into a tight hug and kissing my forehead before doing the same to Ciaran. We all stand in silence for a few minutes, my father holding us very tight and not letting go.

When he finally lets go, there are tear streaks running down the sides of his face. "I thought I had lost you both," he says, and I can tell he is still in disbelief that we are here. "Have you seen the doctor? Rowan, you look exhausted, and Ciaran, you are cradling your arm. Both of you, come with me, we are going to see the doctor!"

Neither of us complain and when we get to the doctor, Ciaran takes his shirt off to let the doctor look at his wound and I sit down to just have a place to relax. The gates are closed, and I can finally take a deep breath and relax.

"Oh gods, what happened?" the doctor asks as he takes the bandage off of Ciaran's wound and peers at the mark. "It is healing, but the area around the wound is so strange..."

Ciaran bites his lip, not liking the attention and I can tell he is uncomfortable. "I got hit with a poisoned arrow," he mumbles as the doctor cleans the wound. "But it feels better now, I'm just a bit sore."

The doctor hums, wrapping the healing injury back up. "And you, your majesty?" he asks me. "Any injuries we should be worried about?"

I shake my head, but Ciaran audibly huffs."What?"

"Your..." he touches his belly button area and I suddenly realize that I have a new piercing down there that I very much do not like.

I must have been so tired that I forgot all about it, especially because it has not caused me much pain or soreness. Annoyed, I lift my shirt and show the doctor the ring.

"Please, remove this," I plead, because I do not like the ring on me. It makes me very uncomfortable and I hate that I have it on my body.

Ciaran's is beautiful on him, and he knows that he can remove it at any time.

For me... I have never been a big fan of body jewelry for myself, though it looks good on other people. It just does not suit me and the symbolism behind this ring will never be able to escape my mind, and I hate the memories it brings.

"It will take me a bit so I can avoid hurting you," the doctor says, but I shake my head.

"No, I do not care how bad it hurts," I say, and I know I sound whiny and desperate, but I do not care. "Just get it out."

The doctor seems very sad when I say that, but he listens and works quick to remove it. It is painful, but Ciaran squeezes my hand the whole time and my father is near us. I do not feel embarrassed; I am actually feeling reassured to have my father with me, because he gives me a sense of comfort that can only be given from a parent.

When it is finally out, the doctor pushes a cloth to my stomach. "It is bleeding a bit and you will be sore in that area for a couple of days," he says, before bandaging around my stomach. "If there is any increased, unbearable pain, please come back here so I can make sure you do not have an infection."

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