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Ciaran's POV:

Master likes when I wake him up with breakfast already made. He is the only one allowed to live permanently in the castle, given that privilege by the king and queen.

This morning, almost seven years to the day after my parents were murdered and I was made a slave, I wake Master up with a plate of food, made just the way he likes it.

He does not like waking up, but understands that he must. I lay his food on the bedside table and touching his shoulder, hesitantly shaking him to rouse him.

Master opens his eyes and looks over at me. "What is the hour?" he asks me, sitting up.

"It is late morning, Master. Half past nine," I tell him, before lifting the tray. "I prepared you breakfast."

He raises an eyebrow, taking the tray. "Lovely," he says, beginning to shovel food into his mouth.

I'm so hungry. I eat a little bit every day when Master feeds me, but I'm still so hungry and I want food.

He must see how hungry I am, because he gives me a slice of apple. "You made me good breakfast, so here is a reward. I may let you eat more later."

"Thank you Master," I say, shoving the apple slice into my mouth and chewing it up before he can try to take it back.

Master gets up, completely nude, and I feel my stomach twist when I see his erect cock. He loves to make me suck it in the morning so I kneel down, knowing what will come next.

However, before he can push it down my throat, the door to the room opens.

"Sir?" a guard asks, making Master huff.

"I'm busy."

The guard seems annoyed and impatient. "The king and queen need to speak with you. There is a mysterious man in the village that is making the other guards uncomfortable, so they want you to keep an eye on him."

Master groans, going to the closet and getting on his clothes and putting his sword in his belt. "Fine. Slave, you may wander the castle today, but you know you are not allowed to speak."

"Yes, Master," I say, still kneeling. "What time shall I be back here by?"

He purses his lips. "Eight, at the latest. I should be done with this mystery man running around the village by then," he says, looking me up and down. "Be warned, I am very sexually deprived, so you must be prepared to not walk for a few days."

A bad shiver runs up my spine.

I hate when he gets frustrated during the day, because when he does he gets very forceful and it puts me in immense pain. Hopefully this mystery man does not frustrate him too much so I can walk tomorrow.

He leaves me alone and I leave the room almost immediately after. There weren't any scraps left on his plate unfortunately, so I bring the empty plate to the empty kitchen where my crew of servants used to work.

Now, there is only a small group of chefs who only come in during meal times and they only feed the king and queen.

I am responsible for feeding Master.

Rinsing the dishes, I lay them on a drying rack and walk toward the courtyard so I can relax and clear my head. It is a very beautiful day, and I accidentally fall asleep, waking up when it is dark above me.

Oh no.

I get up and rush back toward Master's room, worried I slept past when he wanted me to return. As I turn a corner down a hallway, I run into a man adorned in black clothing and fall to the ground.

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