Part 23: Now you've done it...

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I hand one to mom, and one to silas. The last one i keep for myself of course, and while the two of them scurries around the kitchen to get the pancakes ready, i place everything we might need onto the table. Been a long time since we've been three people by this table, kind of makes me happy actually...

The meal actually goes down this time, maybe bcause i'm at home... Or because the atmosphere is so peaceful... I help with  the cleanup, and mom asks me to show Silas around... Leaves me no say on the matter the old hag... I sigh.

After i've changed my clothes, i hurry down the stairs where Silas is waiting. He's already dressed, did he even sleep at all? There's no way i'd be able to wake up that early unless i had to. I sigh and place my hand on the door "Let's go then..." Silas nods, walking a few steps before stopping to stretch, i can hear his neck pop from where i am... Creepy...

We start out by me introducing my mom's bakery, even if he knew about it... And then we keep working our way towards Alfred's slaughterhouse, to Anne's Café and Sylvia's hair salon. I don't bother with people's houses, and why would i? I gulp when we walk by Jeremy's house, and i hope to god that Silas doesn't notice... He doesn't, luckily...

When i've shown him the most important parts, we start to head home. I stare at the clock in the town square. We've been out for longer than i thought. I do have my wallet on me, and Anne's latte is divine! I drag him over to the café, not sure why i'm treating him but eh... Can think about that later. Besides, mom told me to show him around, and if i did that without going to Anne's, well then he's missing out, and that's not very good service is it?

Besides, Silas' face when i pay for everything is fucking priceless, he looks so uncomfortable it's almost funny. I supress my urge to laugh, but a snort still makes it past my defenses, and Silas looks offended and embarrassed at the same time. I can see Anne's daughter- Katie swooning over him, and that's kind of funny too, considering she made it pretty clear that she didn't want anybody here in the boonies... Well, technically Silas isn't from the boonies but still. Anne sends me a questionable glance when she sees Silas, but she says nothing, so we find a seat by an empty table.

Silas' face lights up the moment the hot beverage makes it inside his mouth and when he puts his cup down he says "Holy crap that's the best shit i've had in ages..." he grins to himself. I smirk, nodding along with him "I know right? Isn't many places that can make it like Anne... I'm willing to bet she's using secret ingredients..." i chuckle, sipping mine. Goddamn it's been a long, loong time since i've had this. 

Silas swallows the rest of his fairly quickly, and i can't help but smile behind my cup. Some of his reactions to things are kind of cute... Like when he's flustered... Then Silas stands up, saying something about toilet, and i immediately realize what he means. I chuckle, finishing my own coffee. This is kind of nice... Almost like a date... I wonder if i can get away with calling it that, just for the sake of saying i've been on at least one date before i die... I chuckle, pressing at my chest to see if that will lessen the ache... It sadly doesn't...

Especially when i look back up to find Jeremy staring at me. I try to look away from him, but soon he's made his way over to my table, dragging his fingers through my hair "Last night was fun wasn't it?" he says casually, i roll my eyes. "It was before the girls left yeah..." i ignore him, looking down into my empty cup. "Oh? Not afterwards as well?" he pouts, feigning hurt. I shake my head "How does taking it forcefully up the ass by eight different guys count as fun? Sick fuck..." i mumble. Jeremy's eye twitches, annoyed is he? Good... "You didn't exactly struggle... Or object..." he shrugs, and i feel the need to punch something. "Not that you gave me a chance to... I only got to object three times before Adam shoved his dick down my throat..." i lean my head on my arm, tapping my fingers against the table. "Meh, blurred lines..." he smirks evilly.

I feel nervous, angry, sad and humiliated at the same time... It's a strange feeling... "Well, the look on your faces when i told you about my condition was totally worth it though..." i add, twirling some hair around my finger. Jeremy shrugs "Yeah, i was kind of freaked at first... But you said poison, and poison isn't contagious... So i thought; then it can't hurt me..." he rests his chin on his hand. I feel a shiver creep up my spine. "Please don't..." i clench my eyes shut when he pushes my bangs out of my face. He seems a bit taken back "Oh? Why not?" he chuckles, placing his hand on my head "You just can't..." i manage, all of the fight in me just, evaporates... I'm scared, yet to my embarrassment, i find that i want what he's subtly offering. If it's stockholm syndrome or something else- i don't know... But i know for a fact that i have no love for this guy...

"Come on Kendal... You don't have to leave again... You can stay here... Keep us company..." he purrs, trailing a finger along my jaw. I shake my head "You know what? I'd rather the poison kick in right now..." i hiss, but there is no threat in my voice. Jeremy sighs "Come on Kendal... Don't sit there and tell me that you don't miss this?" he sounds almost sad... I huff "I don't... At all..." god i'm so pathetic...

Jeremy's about to stroke my hair again, but he never even gets that far. I look up and the relief almost takes my breath away. Silas raises a brow, pushing his hand away like it's something disgusting. "And you are?" Silas hisses, crossing his arms. Jeremy glares back "This your new boy toy Kendal?" he sneers, giving Silas a once over. They just met ten seconds ago and they're already in the middle of  a pissing contest? Fantastic...

I somehow find my voice again, feeling a bit more secure now that Silas is there. "No... He isn't..." i sigh, looking up at Silas for confirmation "I'm not..." Silas confirms, and i swear his glare could peel paint. Jeremy chuckles "Then i don't see what the problem is... All i did was ask him if he wanted to ditch school to stay here and have fun!" he forces a smile, it's stiff and feels wrong... Silas huffs mockingly "You have a twisted definition of fun..." Silas growls.

Jeremy glares "That is none of your fucking business..." he hisses, earning a short, cold laugh from Silas "I'm afraid it is..." his eyes glows dangerously. Jeremy's eyes widen "How so?" his voice is suspicious almost, and i blink. I have the sudden urge to run and hide. This could get dangerous fast...

A/N: Heyaa! Me again! You getting tired of me uploading so often yet? No? Good! Already have another chapter ready to be posted, but you guys will have to wait a bit for that one hehe XP
Anyway, hope you enjoyed!

Stay classy guys!

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