12. I didnt stutter-

Start from the beginning

I sigh and rest my forehead against his.

"Can you not tell Kole?" I ask quietly. He hums thoughtfully, brushing his nose against my jaw line.

"We'll see." He says.

Distract him! I moan softly when he kisses on my jaw.

"Kole's asleep. My step mother hasn't taken her hour and a half long shower. I think the bath tubs big enough for two, don't you?"

"I'm awake. The bathtubs probably big enough for three." Kole appears.

Oh boys.

"You can tell me later then." Carter whispers. I curse myself. He kisses the tip of my nose before his eyes turn a lighter shade of green and brown.

He pulls back and grabs a shirt from the cabinet. I watch his tattoos disappear with a frown.

Kole had more. Kole had a sleeve on his right arm and some on his left bicep. They both had the pack symbol inked into their pex over where their heart would be. It was something every alpha did.

If I had a son I was not letting him get a tattoo at six. Hell friggin naw.

"Our son can do what he pleases." Kole's words make me jump.

"Getting easier to read your thoughts bella." He purrs with a smirk.

I groan. The mate bond was getting stronger and we'd form a connection when they marked me.

They already had a mind link as twins I'd be different for us. My thoughts would be like a radio station.

They could tune into my station and I could tune into theirs. Now though we couldn't control it.

Well they said they couldn't.

I could tell what they were feeling but that was because I could read them well not because I had powers like them.

Lucky son of a bitch.

"Yes we are." They say together. I snort, wanting to catch them off guard with something.

I sigh.

Stupid ass hoes! Their heads snap up. Haha one point for me. Before they can catch me I run out of the bathroom.

Run out the door and turn to whisper inside.

"Downstairs outside twenty minutes." I say.

Then I run down the steps. I pull my hair up as I and pinch some color in my cheeks.

I drop at the table and shove cereal into my mouth like I was a vacuum.

"Ugh you eat like a dog." The witch says. I snort, but end up choking and spraying the coffee table with cereal bites.

She screams and jumps up, though none of it hit her.

Great. I was gonna get chewed out.

"Excuse me! You live in this house rent free young lady!" She shrieks.

She wasn't wearing makeup yet so her face wasn't crusty but her eyes were smaller and beady.

"You are expected to know basic table manners! We let you go out god knows where and do who knows what! We don't make you clean your room, or do the dishes. Hell we should make you sleep outside if you stay out past curfew, but I'm generous and I allow you into my home!"

I look to my dad for support but he was frowning at his pancakes.

You know what, no. I put up with her bullshit for ten years and I was done.

She was not my boss and she was certainly not my mother.

My mother was a woman of class and she'd never sell out for a man like my father... twice. She would never have done it twice!

Two months ago I would have taken this and then avoided her until it blew over. But nah. I was a new woman.

I was a friggin Luna. And she couldn't disrespect me.

I stand up, causing my chair to fly back.

"Don't raise your voice at me." My voice was dangerous.

"Excuse me?" She shrieks and I swear a glass breaks.

"You heard me. Don't. You. Dare. Yell. At me." My voice was a forced calm. My head felt like it was about to explode. Like the pressure was building up and becoming to much.

"I will not tolerate this level of disrespect-" I hear another glass shatter. Was her voice that shrill or was it something else?

"In my own home-" I cut her off.

"This is just as much my home as it is yours. The day you showed up I had eight years here and, you treat that like it's nothing! You treat me like I'm nothing! And I've had patience. I put up with your bullshit for years! Hoping at the very least I'd get through to my own father!" I feel my body shaking.

She'd pushed years of tension over the edge. And I was hitting her with waves of anger.

Clearly she hadn't expected me to actually snap back, I'd always been the one who just took her blows.

Sadly she was never one to back down either, so her shock wares off, and I see viciousness glow in her eyes.

"She's your mother Katie apologize." My father says. She smirks triumphantly, it's subtle, but I know her. And I've seen it, but usually her smugness only appears when I stay quiet.

I glare.

"No." I spit. Her smirk falters.

She was wrong to think I'd back down this time. My anger had finally crested, it wasn't about to die.

"Excuse me?" She it comes out in one sharp breath, like she's the one being bullied. Of corse my dad steps in.

"What the hell Kathrine?" He shouts, hugging my 'sobbing' step mother.

"I don't want to hear any of that lying bullshit again!" She squeaks from his arms pitifully.

"If you want to stop talking this out then go." I whisper to my father. I pause to inhale, making sure my next words were as confident as I was. "-But I didn't stutter."

He pulls my step mother from the room, but before he can go I speak.

"I'll be moving out. I think it's become very clear where my friends are and where my family lies." I toss my napkin onto the table and turn away, nothing but shocked silence following me.

<3 love and kisses

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