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Kai was wearing oven mitts over his hands while Lloyd punched them. "Good, keep it up!" Kai encouraged. "Ha! Fists of fury! Unh! You can't even see 'em move, I'm so fast! Ha!" Lloyd's ego just got bigger. "Save the gloating. It can only be used against you by your enemy." "Oh, please. I'm ready to face whatever you throw at me." Lloyd kicked Kai and made him fall backward. "Whoa, grasshopper. You're not even ready to face my pinky toe." Kai brought his foot up and wiggled it to emphasize his point. 

I saw as Sensei Wu started to speak. "I see the student has become the teacher. You will learn fast, Lloyd, with lessons from the five Ninja." "Great, now that lesson is over, how about some target practice...on Kai?" Cole said. "You'll each get your turn, but first, I don't want you to be late for your next lesson with Nya." Wu told his nephew " Aww, but when will I learn Spinjitzu?" "Patience. It will only be unlocked when the key is ready to be found." Lloyd groaned and walked away.

I snickered as Cole said that Lloyd's whining sounded familiar. " I wasn't that whiny." Kai protested. " No, you were worse." Zane held back a laugh and I did not. " You were soooooooo whiny! It was hard to believe you were older than me!" I laughed and Kai gave me a noogie. "Hehe. Guys, I know we're trying to prepare Lloyd for the future, but it's hard to give him the best training in these conditions." Jay said as I slipped away from Kai. " Jay's right. I miss the Destiny's Bounty. Too bad it's gone." Cole frowned. "Hmm. I see your point. Perhaps we could find somewhere else to aid his journey." Sensei suggested.

Lloyd walked over to Nya who was with the Ultra Dragon. "Now that I've given him his medicine, he should be able to fly properly soon. But it's important to take care of him because one day, he'll be yours." Nya told the young boy. "Uh mine, really!" "Sure. The elemental Dragons were loyal to the five Ninja. But Ultra Dragon, he's meant for the Green Ninja to ride." "Whoa! I never knew that! Wait, but if (Y/n)'s my shadow, does that mean the Ultra is also meant for her?" Nya took a second to think about that before shrugging. " I guess it's for both of you to fly him." Lloyd looked at the Ultra dragons. " But, uh, I don't know how to fly," Lloyd admitted.

Nya smiled, " It's all in the legs." Lloyd tapped his feet on the roof they were standing on. " He'll be the fastest and strongest Dragon in all of Ninjago." Nya chuckled as Ultra spread his wings. " Looks like he's already feeling better," Lloyd said happily. " Go try to get some air big boy," Nya told the big dragon who flapped his wings and flew into the air.

Later on, me, Lloyd, and the other 4 Ninja as well as Sensei Wu were standing outside. "It's time we search Ninjago City for a more suitable place to train Lloyd." Jay pointed out that the City was huge. Zane also mentions that they had no vehicles and questioned how we were going to get around. " You'll learn to travel with these." Wu held out a coin that was obviously a bus token. " What are those? "Cole questioned. Really Cole, you dumbass. "They can transport you anywhere you want to go in the city." Wu made them believe it was something magical. " Like a magic portal?" " Ooh! Or a Spinjitzu vortex!?" " No, you Idiots! It's a bus token! Have you never taken a bus!" I face palmed as Wu chuckled.

We got off the bus at some dojo. " This is where Lloyd and (Y/n) are going to train?" Cole questioned. Jay chuckled saying it was better than our apartment. We went inside and some uuuhhh, how do I be nice about this? A chunky man walked over.  "Welcome to Grand Sensei Dareth's Mojo Dojo. I am Grand Sensei Dareth, and I Dareth you to join my dojo." No way this guy is a Sensei. He looks like he would need help getting off the couch. We all looked at each other with the same look.

 The guy did some weird moves and tangled himself in his curtain of beads. He was able to get himself out luckily. "Face the wall of karate trophies. If you look closely, my name is on all of them. That is because I am a highly-skilled karate machine." Dareth motioned to his obviously fake trophies.

Kai took a step towards the guy. " Look, Dareth, we're wondering if we could share your dojo. You see, we've been put in charge of training this little guy to become the greatest ninja in all of Ninjago." Lloyd played with his thumbs as Kai spoke. Cute.  "Not possible, for I am the greatest in the land. How many trophies do you have?" Ok he is cocky, I can tell he is single and cries at night over it. "Look, pal, we're the guys that just saved the city from that giant snake." Cole crossed his arms, looking at Dareth. " Ha! Am I looking at Lord Garmadon? Because unless I'm stupid, and I'm not, Lord Garmadon destroyed the Devourer." Dareth sassed back.

I rolled my eyes, "Hehe. That's been a huge misunderstanding. Actually, we were the ones who dest-" Jay started but was cut off. " I'll let you train here but only on one condition. You can defeat me. If you succeed, we will share the dojo. Unh! That's right. I, Grand Sensei Dareth, master of all animal fighting styles, challenge one of you to a battle. I know the tiger. " He made some ugly noise. "The python." He made a hissing noise? It didn't sound like a hiss, to be honest. "Penguin. Awk, awk!" Dareth did a bunch of weird uh motions.

 Kai was going to step up to fight him but I put my arm out. "Allow me to destroy his ego. Being beaten by a little girl is bound to at least put some holes in it." I gave Kai a little bit of an evil smile. I walked over to Dareth and grabbed his arm. I did spinjitzu before stopping and tossing him behind me, still holding his arm. " You might know animals, but we know Spinjitzu and actually real fighting techniques." I let go and Dareth said we could train here at any time. " Good job (Y/n)" Lloyd smiled at me. " Thanks, it was so hard to throw him though. I think he needs to lose some weight and learn to actually fight before challenging someone again." I whispered, giggling at my own words. " That's, mean." " Oh come on Lloyd. You know it's true."

It hasn't been long since I defeat Dareth when we got started with training Lloyd and I. I was hanging upside down from the ceiling while Lloyd and Jay balanced on poles. "You must be light on your feet," Jay told Lloyd. I could feel the blood rushing to my head and was trying not to fall. Cole stacked up some planks from Lloyd to break. "When you strike with your fists, concentrate. You may be small, but you're strong." Lloyd got off the poles and got ready to hit the wooden boards. He lifted his arm up and struck down. Lloyd created a mini earthquake once he hit the boards. 

The 4 were flown back and I fell down. Not only did the boards break, but the table and ground broke! "That was the power of the Staff of Quakes. And you did it without the Golden Weapon!" Kai said, amazed. "That must be why you have the potential to be the greatest ninja. You can harness all of the Elemental Powers." Zane got up. " Really? Cool!" Lloyd got excited. " Wow, the little Garmadon is succeeding me." I gently punched his arm. "With this power, you must be careful. You must control it before it controls you." Wu informed his young nephew.

Dareth walked into the room, " I have to admit, not bad for a kid. But instead of ten boards, how about fifty? Stack 'em, boys." I groaned and Wu sighed. Can this guy back off! I will break your legs so you stop interrupting us! " And perhaps if I, Grand Sensei Dareth, can break through them all, you will allow me to join your team and become" Dareth put on a ninja hood. " The Brown Ninja!" Jay snickered. " The Brown Ninja? You gotta be joking!" " Fuck no" Zane punched me in the shoulder, " Language." "Sorry, pal. Club's already full." Cole told Dareth.

 "Okay, okay. Then maybe this demonstration of my superhuman strength may persuade you. Jeffy, Phil are we ready?" The two boys said yes. " Observe. I call upon the greatest animal to give me strength, the Dragon." Dareth hit the boards and screamed in pain. All of us except Jeffy and Phil laugh at him. I held my stomach and fell down laughing. This guy is a joke.

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