♡♡♡(Y/N) POV♡♡♡

     "We've come to the meeting for a discussion about what we'll be doing for the physical exam portion for the first years," Nezu says as he holds some papers in his paws.
    The physical exams. I still remember mine. I think with a smile as memories start to play in my mind.
     "As Aizawa had told you before, Togata." I snap out of my thoughts as Nezu mentions my name. "You'll be fighting two of your students as a test yourself to see how well you'll do as a teacher," Nezu states and I nod.

     "You won't find out until the exam day." Thirteen says with a laugh as she looks towards me.
     I give a small laugh as I rub the back of my neck. "Yeah, I should've expected that."
     "I want to make sure you'll be a good replacement for my classes." I look towards the large man as Vlad King speaks gruffly with a threatening glare. "I'm just saying that we don't need to be rash here." He states as he crosses his arms. "I want my classes to be taught well and become strong heroes."

      "They won't be your classes anymore after you leave." I counter with a smile but a darker aura towards him.
     "If you need, Nezu, I've taken notes of their strengths and weakness and how far they've progressed over the school year." I turn with a friendly smile and aura towards the small mammal as the Blood Hero looks at me surprised.
     "That would be very excellent to help with deciding teams. Thank you, Togata." The large weasel states and I nod before opening my bag and grabbing the (f/c) notebook then taking it over to him.
     "You're taunting, Kan." Power Loader whispers to me and I smile.
     "I know. He shouldn't offend my students and he won't get taunted." I say to the man who rolls his eyes with a small laugh.

     "Sorry, Togata," I look up as Nezu speaks to me. "But so you won't be able to get any hints, you're free to leave the meeting." The weasel says and I nod as I stand and grab my bag.
     "I understand," I say with a smile. "Have a good afternoon, everyone." I request with a bow before walking out of the room to go change back into my normal clothes. I wonder what challenge they'll give me. I think with a smile as ideas fly through my head.


     "We'll be fighting robots like in the entrance exam!"
     "This'll be so easy!" Denki and Mina cheer as the teachers look a little smug. 

     Why are the teachers here anyway? I question as I look over the group of adults.
     "Not quite," Nezu states with as he climbs down from Aizawa's scarves and stands beside the black-haired man. "Since you found out what we had first intended to do," He states with a smile. "You'll each be fighting teachers!" The mammal explains and my two friends' jaws drop.
     "WHAT?!" Many people in the class shout.

     "Woah! This is gonna be fun!" I exclaim excitedly as I bounce on my heels.
     "We'll be wearing these cuffs to weigh us down so it'll be a more even fight." All Might says as he clips a cuff before his arm drops quickly.
     "You think we can't beat you idiots without you being handicapped?" Bakugou hisses as he starts to march forward but Kirishima quickly stops him.

     "There will be one who will do it individually though," Nezu states and I quirk an eyebrow in confusion before raising my hand.
     "Why exactly is that? There's an even number of students here." I ask while looking down to the weasel.
     "Well, Togata, that's because we believe you should have more of a challenge to face," Nezu explains and I tilt my head in confusion.

     "You ask too many questions, Kid." Vlad Kings interrupts me and I grit my teeth in slight annoyance at his claim.
     "Alright, fine. Just how will that work if one person is doing it by themselves? That makes it uneven?" I state as I hold my hands up in surrender before crossing my arms.
     "We'll be having a second-year help a student. They'll have to figure out how to work with very limited information about their partner and opponent." Aizawa explains with a slightly apologetic look in his eyes towards me.
     "Thank you," I say before shooting a glare towards the B-class teacher.
     "Now, let's get ready!" Nezu states as he ushers us to follow after him.

Tease Me ♡Shota Aizawa x Reader♡Where stories live. Discover now