[chapter two - bellamy]

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Octavia does the same thing at every school she goes to. 

She shows up way too early on the first day, stands alone by the fence, and the first people she talks to become her 'best friends' for the rest of the year. Sometimes it works out great - she stuck with Lincoln, for one. Though that was my fault, I suppose. He's way older than her, and I didn't do a great job of scaring him off. But he's okay now, I guess, and I don't mind seeing him around the house. 

It's not like I want Octavia to be a loner, I just wish she'd spend more time with my friends. She liked Jasper and Monty, which means I don't have terrible taste. It would also keep her from getting pestered about me in the hallways, which I know she hates. 

I just wish there was more I could do to protect her. Ever since Mom died, I've been the one to look out for her. I bought an apartment when I was fifteen with the money Mom left us, and ever since then... it's just been us. Me and her. My sister, my responsibility. 

Not like she makes it easy for me. Every week, she seems to be inviting more people over to the house, not wanting anyone to feel left out. None of them ever come back a second time. 

Though that's entirely my fault. 

My thoughts are pierced by the sharp bell, announcing lunch break. I'm eager to get out of English class - the only interesting part is when Murphy decides to talk back to our professor, which he didn't seem to be interested in doing today. 

"Blake," Murphy says, catching up to me as I quickly file out of the classroom. "Where are we eating today?"

"You're on your own, Murphy," I say. "I'm meeting Octavia."

He narrows his eyes. "And you'd leave me by myself? Your sister has her own friends."

"That's what I'm afraid of," I mutter. "I'm serious, Murphy, beat it."

"Fine," he says, holding up his hands. "I'll go find that hot chick who started here today."

"You do that," I mumble, not really paying attention. Octavia will be eating in the cafeteria, as usual. She loves the excited buzz of everyone sitting together - though she'll probably grow to hate it like the rest of us. Her middle school cafeteria was way smaller than this one. 

I flip through today's homework as I walk down the hallway, pretending to ignore the stares of basically everyone I pass. I'm not entirely sure what I did to earn their glances, but I don't hate the attention. Anything that keeps the eyes off Octavia. 

I reach the cafeteria and slip inside, instantly annoyed by the amount of unintelligible chatter. The air smells strongly of eggs and roast chicken, which mixed together create a stench stronger than the trash bins behind the school. 

I spot Octavia sitting with her two new friends at the back table, and they seem deep in a conversation. 

What were their names? I frown, trying to remember. Raven and Clarke, right. 

Raven is an interesting type. I've met people like her before, a happy and optimistic attitude hiding some serious baggage. She looks sharp, too, which might be helpful for Octavia's grades. She's pretty, too, in a weird, nerdy way. 

Clarke is... different. She's not like most of the people Octavia hangs out with. She seems a little weird, and honestly, I don't have any desire to know either of them. For all I know, they'll find a squad their own age and ditch Octavia before the end of the week. 

Then again, Monty and Jasper stuck around. 

Octavia spots me and starts waving. I wave back, approaching their table. Octavia makes room for me to sit down. 

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