[chapter sixteen - bellamy]

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You have been nothing but hostile and rude since Raven and I showed up here. 

We aren't here to be friends with you, Bellamy. We're friends with Octavia, who is a much better person than you. 

You're not anything, okay? 

So that's what she really thinks. 

I don't want to listen to your stupid nicknames or sarcastic comments. 

So she just decides to yell at me, after I let her move in? Doing one nice thing after treating her like crap for the past week? 

It's just lies and deception. That part can't have been about me - I've been nothing but honest, that's the problem. 

Of course Octavia had to be hiding away with Lincoln when this happened. Like she'd ever believe me, especially after the way I treated Clarke. 

I guess I deserved everything she said. Most of it is even true. All of it. All of it is true. 

I collapse onto my bed, frowning. That doesn't mean I wanted to hear it all out loud. 

I grab my pillow and place it over my face. Why does she have to be right? Her, and Octavia, and Emori, and all of them. I'm a bad person. 

I'm not anything. 

I hear a knock at my door, and sit up, expecting it to be Octavia. 

But as the door opens, I see that it's not my sister. It's Clarke. I glare at my bed sheets. 

"Forget to say something the first time?" I ask. This is why she hates me. 

"No, I..." Clarke stands in my doorway, and I look up at her. I'm shocked to see how red her cheeks are, shining in the light of my room. She was crying. Now I feel like an idiot. "I got in the elevator and realized I wasn't... I'm not..." She inhales shakily. "I didn't mean that stuff. I'm just upset at... other people. Not you."

I look at her for a long moment. "Okay."

"That's it?"

"You're clearly upset," I say, standing up and stretching my arms slightly. "And... you weren't entirely wrong." I sigh. "I know I'm not exactly the best person to be around."

Clarke looks at me sadly. "That's not true, Bellamy. I just..." Clarke turns around for a moment, leaning against the door frame. 

"Are you okay?" I ask, concerned. "Did something happen?"

Clarke turns back around, a tear rolling down her cheek. "I'm fine," she says, her expression unreadable. I take a few steps towards her. 

"Not to assume anything, but you don't look fine."

She blinks a few times, looking at the ground. "My mom went to Washington and she's living with... she's living with some man that I don't know, and she didn't tell me, and she hasn't called me, and I don't..." Clarke looks at the ceiling, blinking rapidly. 

What am I supposed to say? She should talk to Raven, or Octavia, or someone who knows how to cheer her up. 

"I mean, you're kind of living with a man she doesn't know," I say, laughing slightly. Clarke glares at me, but a smile is tugging at the corners of her mouth. 

"I thought she trusted me more than this," Clarke says, sniffling slightly. "Maybe I should have gone with her. I'm scared she's starting this new part of her life, and now I won't be a part of it because I was too selfish to see what it meant for her."

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