[chapter four - bellamy]

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Once I've dropped both Raven and Clarke off at home, I return to my apartment to find Octavia and Lincoln sitting at the table with Octavia's laptop open. 

"What are you guys doing?" I ask, joining them at the table. 

"Planning Friday's dinner," Octavia says happily. 

"More like vetoing everything I suggest for Friday's dinner," Lincoln says, nudging Octavia gently. She wiggles her eyebrows. 

"It has to be perfect," she says, clicking a few times on her laptop mouse. "It has to send the right message. Less 'romantic counselling session' and more 'look at what you're missing'."

"Or you could just... pick a food and serve it," I suggest, raising an eyebrow. Octavia tends to get very caught up in little projects like this - wanting to make the right impression on someone, then she goes way overboard and ruins it. 

Which means it's my job to reign her in. 

"Fine," I say. "Let's hear what you have so far."

Octavia smiles. "They're gonna get here at five, and we'll give them half an hour to catch up-"

"No," I say, shaking my head. "Did you listen to the way they spoke about him? He's not their friend, O. They're doing this to be good people, not because they want to."

Octavia stares at me for a moment, then sighs. "Fine. We serve dinner right away. Dinner is spaghetti, since you seem to be pretty good at making that."

"She said fish was too romantic," Lincoln tells me. "But spaghetti is fine." Octavia shushes him. 

"After that we have drinks-"

"-not alcoholic ones-" Lincoln cuts in.

"-and then we have dessert," Octavia continues. "Can you make those cupcakes you made for Monty's birthday last year?"

"I guess," I reply, shrugging. "I could stick those in the oven while the spaghetti is cooking, then take them out and leave them at the back while we eat, then bring them out-- hang on a second, why are we eating cupcakes, is it someone's birthday?"

"We have company," Octavia says. 

"His mom died, O, that's not really a cause for cupcakes."

Octavia rolls her eyes. "You binge ate for a month after our mom died, Bell. You're one to talk." Uh oh. 

Lincoln looks at the ground, uncomfortable. 

"Anyways," Octavia says, trying to shift the attention back to the dinner. I know she feels bad about what she said - she doesn't like talking about Mom, but sometimes little comments like that slip out. It's a great mood killer, let alone spirit crushing. "We'll try to get him out of here by quarter after six, then. Worst case scenario, I'll call Monty and Jasper to come over and create a diversion."

"I'm not sure I really get the point of all this," I say, standing up and pushing in my chair. "It's just a dinner."

Octavia and Lincoln exchange a glance. "Of course he doesn't get it," Octavia says. Lincoln nods, but I know for a fact he doesn't get it either. "It's not about Finn, Bell. It's about Clarke and Raven. I want them to like me, and you aren't really helping. They might be new, but I am too. I have to make an image for myself, and they're nice people. I want to be friends with them. This is about making an impression on them, not Finn. I don't expect you to understand."

Ouch. "Whats that supposed to mean?" I ask. 

"Um, I'm gonna go-" Lincoln starts awkwardly, but Octavia grabs his arm. 

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