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Teens danced in the sand as Lydia sat down on the sand examining them all. She had already got sand in her eye but she was still happy to be there. She ran her fingers through the sand as she listened to the music. The girl smiled at Luke who was splashing water at people.

He's ridiculous.

She thought to herself, laughing.

"Lydia!" She heard and heard her name being called so she looked towards the voice who called her to see Justin. "Oh, hey Justin." She said softly and he smiled as sat next to her. "I'm happy for your friends." Justin said and she stared at the sand, then looked over to him. "How come you never told me?" She asked and he furrowed his eyebrows. "Told you what?" He asked. "That Riley changed, she dyed her hair, acts like a jerk..." Lydia said and Justin sighed and closed his eyes. "Because we broke up, I haven't talked to her in weeks." He admitted and her eyes widened. "How come you didn't tell me?!" She asked and he sighed. "Because, you seemed happy with the boys and I didn't want you to feel like you needed to be there for me all the time. You don't need to worry, just have fun." He explained. "But we've been friends since forever you could tell me anything." She said. "But its all about your happiness, I didn't want you to feel bad for me, I want you to live your life." He basically repeated, she sighed. "I get it." She said and nodded. They got quiet as they looked at the sand and another figure sat next to Lydia.

She looked over at the figure to see Luke, dripping with water and she smiled. "I don't think you guys have met. Umm, Justin this is Luke, Luke this is Justin." She introduced the two and they shook hands. "Sorry, I was in the water." Luke apologized for his wet hand as he softly shook Justin's hand. "Congrats for the news thing this morning." Justin said. "Thanks, man." Luke smiled and nodded. "I should be going to the party.." Justin said as he saw Luke gazing at Lydia and Lydia nodded. She watched as Justin left, she looked over to Luke to see him already looking at her and she laughed.

"What?" She asked and he shrugged. "Come in the water, have fun, celebrate with me." Luke said and she smiled at the sand. "Fine." She said and he smiled as he took her hand to pull her up with him. She took off her dress, wrapping her arms around herself. The wind felt ten times colder, she was now exposed. Luke smiled as she grabbed both of her hands. "You're beautiful Lyds." He said as he pulled her towards the water. She stopped before she could feel the water. "Wait, it's probably cold!" She said and backed away. "Of course it's cold, but you'll get used to it." He warned and she backed away even more than before and he laughed as he grabbed her waist and he picked her up and carried her into the water. The teens who were in the water cheered her on. "No! Luke don't drop me!" She screamed. It was too late, felt herself get swallowed by nothing but coldness and salty water. She gasped as she came back up from the water. She punched Luke shoulder, rubbing the salty water out of her eyes as they began to burn.

"I hate you!" She laughed. "You love me." He said and her heart fluttered. She smiled up at him. Taking them out of their moment, they were splashed with water. Their heads snapped to who splashed the water on them. "You finally got in the water!" Bobby said and she rolled her eyes. "I was practically forced." She joked and Luke shook his head. "You agreed!" He said and she laughed.

"Guys this isn't even funny, I already swallowed gross salty water because Luke dropped me in the water, and my eyes burn." She said. "Boo whoo, little baby." Bobby teased. Luke pulled her into his chest and she wrapped her arm around his torso and laid her head on his chest. "It's cold." She shivered slightly. "You'll get used to it just move around!" Bobby said. "Wheres Reg and Alex?" She asked. "Alex found Willie, and Reggie found him some girl." Luke said and shrugged. "And I'm third wheeling." Bobby said. "Then you should leave." Luke said and Lydia laughed with a nod.

The three stayed in the water with the other teens as they all talked, Lydia and Luke holding onto each other. As the sun went down they all got out of the water and covered up. "I didn't bring a towel, I forgot it." Lydia said, rolling her eyes at her forgetfulness. Luke instantly took his towel of and gave it to her. "But you'll be cold too." Lydia felt bad but the boy only shrugged. "Just share it losers." Alex said and they laughed.


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