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Reggie said yes to the girl when she asked him to the dinner, Bobby would've said yes but he didn't feel like doing anything for the weekend, which she understood. But her and Reggie were arriving shortly, and for some reason, Reggie was nervous.

"I feel like I'm meeting your parents." Reggie said and the girl laughed. "I feel like I'm meeting my parents too." She joked and Reggie laughed. "I hope this goes well, it's gonna be awkward for sure." Lydia said. As they parked, Lydia looked over to Reggie. "I'm as ready as I'll ever be." Reggie said and Lydia nodded in agreement as they got out of the car.

She walked closely to Reggie, grabbing his hand. "Sorry, I need moral support." She said. "I think I'm going to pee on myself." She added. "You can say that again." Reggie agreed as she knocked on the door, squeezing his hand lightly.

The door opened to see her dad. "Lydia! Reggie!" He said taking the two by surprise, she was shocked that her dad even remembered her best friends name. But then again Macey was a fan, now she's a mutual to them all.

"Hi, Mr. Harper." Reggie said. "Hi, Dad." Lydia said as they walked in. "I didn't think you two were a thing." Her dad spoke, looking at their hands. "Oh no, we're friends. We were just a little nervous." Reggie said and she nudged him in his side. "Ow! What was that for?" Reggie said. "Let's eat." Lydia said as she pulled him towards the dinning room. The two stopped once their eyes landed someone they didn't expect.

"Luke.." She glared at the boy and he looked up at her to see her hand in hand with Reggie. His heart dropped. "L-lyds! Reggie!" He said and Reggie cleared his throat at the quietness that soon took place in the dining room.

"Come on guys! The fun has just begun!" Tiffany said and Lydia put a fake smile on her face, only Reggie and Luke could tell that it was fake.

As they ate dinner they all made small talk, Jason actually talking more than Lydia thought he would since he was a pretty quiet boy. Well, around her he was.

"So, what have you been up to Lydia?" Her dad asked and she shrugged. "You know, school work and writing songs." She said and he nodded. "You still sing?" Her dad asked and she nodded. "Yeah, but when I'm alone. Not really a crowd thing." She informed him. She eyed Luke, but looked away quickly.

It soon got quiet and all you could hear was the forks hitting the plates as they ate.

"May I be excused?" Lydia asked and her dad nodded, so the stood up and stopped for a moment. "Wheres the bathroom?" She asked. "Upstairs, down the hall to the right." Tiffany spoke and Lydia nodded saying thank you as she walked up to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror she, she tried to put on a smile. The girl desperately wanted to leave. She could see the irritation in her face.

She just wanted to be at home again, with her lyric book and keyboard.

She waited a few seconds before she flushed the toilet, making it seem as if she used the bathroom. She put some soap on her hands and washed her hands. She flicked her wrist making the water flick onto the floor, slightly.

As she opened the door and walked out she bumped into someone.

"Look Lydia I can explain." Luke said quickly. "No...you lied to me about having other plans with your mom!?" She whispered yelled "I'm sorry I just, I don't know." Luke stammered. "It's funny how you didn't put two and two together and now you're caught up, lying. You didn't need to lie to me Luke! Why did you lie?" She asked. "Because I didn't think you were going to be here." He admitted and she scoffed. "So you're whole plan was to keep this a secret from me? You know what-I don't even care, I'm leaving." She said and tried walking away but Luke grabbed her hand.

"Why do you care so much?" He asked and her eyes widened. "Why do I care so much? No, the question is why would you even bother lying, you could have told me you rather have dinner with Macey. But I didn't you expect you to lie about it.." Lydia said, what she really wanted to say was that she liked him so much. It was hard seeing him around Macey because she liked him.

She went downstairs and smiled. "Umm, I have to go guys. It was nice talking to you, Reggie are you ready?" She asked and Reggie nodded lightly. "I had a great time. Nice seeing you guys." Reggie said awkwardly and Lydia nodded as they walked out.

"What happened?" Reggie asked quickly once they got outside and Lydia looked down. "I don't understand why he would lie to me, to us, he could have simply just told me that he was already going because Macey asked." She said and Reggie nodded. "I get it." Reggie said. "Well thanks for coming, Reg. You made things less awkward." Lydia smiled sadly and Reggie looked over at her sad face. "You know..Bobby and I know that you like Luke" Reggie said and Lydia's face went red.

"Pretty much everyone except Luke knows." She said and sighed at the boys oblivion. "So..wanna hear some of my country songs on the way back?" Reggie asked wanting to change the subject for the girl and she laughed. "Sure, maybe that'll cheer me up." She said making Reggie smile.


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