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Lydia stood next to Alex as her and the boys watched the other group perform their song, it was a good song, but not a great to watch. Lydia and the boys could tell that something was going on between the lead singer and back up singer. They were sending each other glares, which did not look good on the stage. Everyone could tell, it made things awkward.

"When do you guys go up?" Lydia asked Alex. "After one more band." Alex said. "You and the boys have nothing going on right? Because they are recording each performance and if you guys are on tape glaring at each other I would totally get second hand embarrassment." Lydia said and Alex laughed. "I thought I was the only one who noticed." Alex said and Lydia shook her head. "Everyone can tell, trust me." She said and she looked over at Luke to see his eyebrows furrowed at the band performing. Alex nudged the girl. "Go talk to him." He encouraged, she thought it was a good idea so she walked over to Luke.

"Hey, you nervous?" Lydia asked making Luke turn to look at the girl, his confused face then turning into a smile. "I'm nervous for them, this performance is going on tape and it's horrible, you can't glare at each other for the whole song. It gets old." Luke joked about the performers and she laughed.

"Alex and I were just talking about that." Lydia said whilst Luke wrapped his arm around her shoulder pulling her close. "I promise you that the boys and I will do so much better." Luke said, making her smile up at him. "You better out shine every band who performs today." Lydia said and he nodded. "You sound like...oh my god-we need a manager, Lydia, you should be our manager!" Luke suggested. "What?" Lydia asked in complete shock. If she would have been drinking water she would have spat it out right on que. "Luke, you can't just ask someone off the bat like that. They have to be qualified, you have to trust them, and they have to be-" Luke cut the girl off. "Lyds, you're all of that combined, I trust you, you are always coming to practice with us, you practically are our manager! It shouldn't be extremely hard." He said, Lydia sighed.

"I'll think about it." The girl shrugged. "And I'll get an answer after we perform?" He asked. "How about you just wait." She said and poked his side. He only laughed then leaned down to kiss her forehead.

They had been talking over the music, completely ignoring the other band that went up to play. It was nearly their turn so the boys had walked back stage, Lydia following along too, of course. They checked if they had everything they needed for the show. Lydia went around asking them if they needed help with adjusting anything, asking if they were okay or ready.

"So, are you ready?" She asked Luke and he smile down at her with a nod. "As ready as I'll ever be." He said and she smiled as she stood up if her tippy toes and pecked his cheek. "Play your heart out up there." she said and he smiled widely as he nodded, before kissing her cheek and going onto the stage. "You have to tell me what happened at the carnival." Alex said as he pointed his drum stick at the girl and walked onto the stage. Lydia only laughed, remembering that she had been telling him that she would. But she clearly never got to do it yet.

Luke then introduced the band. And they started Luke's song Get Lost. The crowd was loving it even though they had just started to play. But it brought a smile to Lydia's face as she noticed. She was so proud to call these boys her best friends. They were talented and she loved watching them perform.

After they were done they got a big applause as they walked off the stage Lydia went running up to them hugging them all tightly. "You guys did amazing!" She said as they pulled away from their group hug. "I hope they got my good side." Reggie said with a playful smirk and Lydia laughed. "The only good side they got was of your bass." Bobby joked making Reggie roll his eyes. The group just laughed at the two as they got ready to leave. "We should sign up for another gig, that felt great." Luke said.


So...I didn't update in four days....sue me😀 ANYWAY it's Harry Styles' birthday (11:39pm) IT STILL COUNTS. SO YEA IM SORRY.

update 2023: this^ is so funny to me so im keeping it up here as a proud Harry stan.

BTWWWW "Get Lost" is a random fake title name so yeahhhh LMFAOO

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