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It was lunch when Lydia had been contemplating where she would sit. Would she sit with her best friends or new friends? She wanted to get to know the boys but she didn't want to ditch her best friends. But then again, they did it to her, but she didn't want to be petty. She was the calm and forgiving friend. She didn't want to become the petty one.

So she looked over to her original table seeing her best friends sitting there laughing, like always. She smiled and walked over to them. She sat down, being completely ready to be a third wheel.

"Hey losers." Lydia said with a wide smile. "Hey, idiot." Justin spoke and she laughed slightly. "So how were your classes?" Riley asked and Lydia raised her eyebrow in suspense. "Since when did you ask those type of questions?" Lydia asked and Riley shrugged while looking over to the table of box bleached hair girls. This made Lydia roll her eyes.

"If you want to hang out with the box bleach blondies go ahead, and Justin if you want to hang with the football players go. You don't have to stay just because I asked." The girl said with a shrug. She couldn't help but get upset that her friends kept glancing over to the tables they wanted to be.

So with a sigh, she stood up, grabbing her things and went over to the table with the four boys who sat talking about their new songs.

Bobby smiled lightly at her as she sat next to Luke. She was taken by surprise, he was in a different mood than the first time she met him. She smiled back at him.

"Hey." She said with yet another sigh. "Hey, what's wrong?" Alex asked and she looked over to her best friends who were walking over to the tables they had wanted to be from the beginning of lunch.

"They don't like hanging with me anymore, they rather hang with stuck up...pricks." Lydia said and Luke nodded, understanding. "Well you always have us, right boys?" Luke asked and her heart fluttered. Which was a new thing and it took her by surprise.

It only did that when Justin said kind things to her. They were so welcoming and they barely knew her, she felt like she's known the boys since forever, but she barely even knew them, it hadn't even past a week yet.

She felt discomfort in the way she started to think of things. Even the way she felt was slightly changing by the minute. Her feelings were messing with her. They were all over the place.

Lydia was sad because her best friends were fading away from her, but she happy because she gained more friends and they were welcoming and kind. They cared for her though they barely knew her. It was shocking because she didn't expect a rock band to be such softies. But that was the best thing about them.

Lydia pushed the thoughts out of her mind and continued to eat her food as the boys carried on talking about their music. All she did was listen and that was just enough for her.

"So I was thinking we perform now or never, then maybe..." Luke went to grab his book but stopped as he noticed her flipping through his music book as Lydia looked at the song titles.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to be nosey but what about bright?" Lydia said as she read the title, but she closed the book and handed to him. Luke looked over to her and smile lightly as he flipped back to bright.

Lydia's eyes skimmed over the words, her face softened as she smiled. "It seems like a nice song-sorry for looking through your book." Lydia apologized once again. "No, you're good." He said and she nodded, their cheeks both getting slightly red.

Alex smirked slightly over to Reggie who was completely oblivious to what was going on. Alex then turned to Bobby to see him looking at Luke in confusion.

Alex had no idea of what emotions that went around the table with his best friends, but he thought it was cute how Lydia and Luke got shy around each other.


now or never (LUKE PATTERSON)Where stories live. Discover now