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The tension at the lunch table between Luke and Lydia was horrible. She didn't sit next to him for once, which was new. She didn't look in his direction. It made the other boys awkward not seeing the two be smiley and cuddly during lunch. But their emotions were the opposite.

"So..." Reggie spoke and they all looked at him. "I don't know what to say, it's not the same anymore guys, it's been two days. Tomorrow is Saturday and we need to make plans." Reggie said being upset. It was like when his parents got into a fight and it was always a horrible time at the dinner table.

"Guys..." Reggie pleaded and Lydia's heart broke. "W-we can all go to the carnival that's going up tomorrow!" Bobby said hoping it was a good plan and Alex nodded. "That's sounds fun, right?" Alex asked and Reggie nodded. "Yea, it does." Lydia said and the boys all looked at Luke as Luke looked down at his food that he didn't touch. Alex cleared his throat making Luke look up.

"The carnival..tomorrow?" Alex asked him and he nodded. "Yeah, sure." Luke said and shrugged and the boys smiled.

"Great, I'll pick you guys up, in the usual order." Reggie said they all nodded. "Guys I can't take the quietness, it's weird" Alex said. "Well, start a good conversation." Bobby said and Lydia laughed. "There's that smile." Reggie said.

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Alex, Reggie, and Bobby all laid on Lydia's bed as she sat down at her desk. "Lyds, you have to talk to him, he's all sad and needs you to talk to him." Bobby spoke. "Well he lied to me, and you all know I don't like Macey. I've dealt with him already being with her but then he lies to me about being with her...maybe he should speak up first. He still hasn't apologized." Lydia said. "People lie..all the time." Bobby said and Lydia snapped her head to look back at Bobby. Alex and Reggie quickly raised their hands in surrender.

"Shut it, Bobby." Lydia glared and the his eyes went wide whilst he nodded. Alex and Reggie laughed under their breaths. "Sorry, Lyds." Bobby spoke.

They didn't want to keep telling the girls to apologize because it wasn't her fault. Luke just had to speak up to her, but all he did was sulk and when they tried to tell him to talk to her, but he denied and told the boys that she wouldn't forgive him, which made Reggie think.

"Will you forgive him if he did apologize?" Reggie asked and Lydia nodded. "If he really means it then, yeah. I will." Lydia admitted. Alex raised his eyebrows and looked over to the boys. "We have to go!" Alex called and Lydia furrowed her eyebrows. "I thought you guys were staying so we can watch Grease." Lydia frowned. "We can tomorrow, after the carnival." Bobby said as they walked out of the room. "See you tomorrow, Lydia!" Reggie called as he ran after Bobby. "Love you!" Alex called and Lydia laughed. "Love you too!" She called back, staring at her room door in complete confusion on why they left abruptly.

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Alex knocked on the door as Reggie and Bobby waited behind the boy. The door soon opened to reveal Luke. His eyes were red making Alex's smile drop. "Are you crying?" Alex asked shocked. He had never thought that Luke would be crying. "What are you crying about? Did you and your mom fight?" Bobby asked. "I'm not crying." Luke scoffed and shrugged. "No dude, you were crying" Reggie said. "For what?" Bobby asked and they all looked at the boy, glaring at how straight forward he was.

Luke walked away, leaving the door opened and the boys quickly followed behind him, Bobby closing the door after them. They enter Luke's room to see it messier than usual. "Your room looks like mines." Reggie said. Bobby wanted to laugh but their best friend wasn't in the best mood.

Luke slumped as he sat on his bed. "I messed up guys." Luke finally decided to start opening up. Alex patted his shoulder. "On what exactly..?" Alex asked. "Lydia..it's been two days and she hasn't even looked my way." Luke said and Reggie head snapped towards the boy. "Lydia said if you apologize, she'd forgive you." Reggie said almost instantly. "But you have to mean the words you say." Bobby added. "You know she'd accept your apology right away.." Alex said. "She hasn't even looked at me, what makes you think she'd accept my apology?" Luke asked. The boys all eyed each other.

Alex wanted to yell at the boy because of his obliviousness. Alex rolled his eyes. "Dude. You're literally the first one she calls when she need something, she goes to you for moral support, anything she needs she goes to you, you're clearly her favorite." Alex tried his best to drop hints. "Says the one who got to hear her sing and cuddled with her for hours." Reggie muttered to himself but they could all hear him. Luke scoffed and nodded. Bobby punched Reggie shoulder. "Ow!" Reggie said as he rubbed his shoulder.

"She really needs you right now..and you do too, this is my first time seeing cry over a girl. You obviously need her by your side." Alex said and Bobby nodded. "And it's not the same with you two being all lovey dovey during lunch...it makes me feel like I'm eating dinner with my parents after they fight." Reggie said. "I really like her..." Luke said and Alex eyes widened. "Then why do you mess around with Macey! You're playing with their feelings! Macey probably thinks you like her..." Bobby complained.

"You're such an idiot, Luke! Why would you do that!?" Alex nearly yelled. "I-I wanted a distraction..and Macey seemed to be into me so I went along with it because I didn't want to like Lydia if she has no feelings for me." Luke said. "Do you think a girl would cuddle up to you if they didn't have feelings for you!" Alex yelled and the boys eyes widened.

"She likes me?" Luke asked with hope in his eyes and Alex completely gave up. "Of course she does! Are you blind? So you're telling me you don't see her get upset when you bring Macey around!?" Alex asked and he furrowed his eyebrows. "No-" Bobby cut him off. "Ask her out dude, do something because this is just sad. Obviously you're more oblivious than Reggie." Bobby said. "What's that supposed to mean?" Reggie asked, they all looked at Reggie before looking back a Luke.

"Just do something tomorrow, man." Alex said Luke's eyes widened as he grabbed his lyric book. "I wrote this a couple days ago." Luke said and handed Alex the book. "And maybe I can teach you guys the chords and rhythm..and we can invite Lydia for practice and I'll sing the song for her." He said and Bobby nodded as he walked over near Alex and look at the book, reading the title.

Perfect Harmony.


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