F. Osamu Dazai

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requested by anonymous, in this au dazai is a vampire and you despise him until the end.)) //oh yeah the pov is first person for the first time woaaah, and i changed the f/n shit thankgod.::

guilt and shame. .;:.ʚɞ:;. 罪悪感と恥。

His disgustingly pale, dark brown, amber eyes stared into mines. A smile that came to his lips convulsed exasperation within me, "[____]" he cooed.

I for one, despised vampires.

Not because they killed my whole family or whatever, not that fucking cliche shit. In fact, my family is happy and breathing at the current moment.

Their attitudes, they way they had to live, the way they had an upper physical advantage when they were first born.

Not ONLY was he a damn vampire, a manic, suicidal flirty one at that too.

Snapping back to the reality I so despised, I hadn't come to realize he was right behind me. Before I could take a step forward, the words that came out of those annoying, filthy, lying lips of his, captured my attention.

"Good-morning!" The hell? You're telling me he snuck up right behind me just to give me a simple greeting?

Perhaps I overthink too much.

"Morning..." even though it was evening, I didn't want an awkward tension between us already knowing that he knows my disliking for vampires.

Before reaching up to place his hands on my shoulder he stopped mid-way, "may I tou-" cutting him off short, I shook my head.

"Touch some other lady" damn, well if it wasn't the truth perhaps I would've retracted my statement.

His lips were quick to tug a frown upon hearing that from me, "I'm not some man who sleeps with other wo-"

Once again, "shut up we all know you sleep with them just to play with them and feed off of them."

The words perfectly rolled off my tongue, the deafening silence of Dazai seemed to suffocate the whole agency.

Ah, I forgot I was in the office in broad daylight.

"[____], he hasn't fed in a while actually" Kunikida spoke up, it had seemed he was the first to put down my claim.

So? What was it called, what he did to me in the past.

Just because he hadn't fed in a while didn't mean he didn't do all that shit in the past.

"Okay Kunikida, you sound like a mom stop it" trying to ease the tense mood I had set in the first place, I had completely forgot Dazai was behind me. How creepy.

A step aside was heard, then another step, "didn't have to hurt my heart [____]~" ah, hearing my name come from his mouth was a true bliss. As if.

"Like it's beating in the first place dumbass" I nonchalantly noted, sitting myself down in my chair now comfortable I didn't totally despise the man like I couldn't even stare at him.

A gasp was heard from Atsushi who quickly looked away at my snarky comment, "they're not wrong Dazai..." he mumbled, "well that's physics! I'm talking about emoti-"

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