NSFW. Nikolai Gogol

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( requested by dear @tsukichuuuuu a lovely smut for the mischievous clown )

[❤︎] ;

a dark night filled with the bright shimmering lights of the stars, illuminating through each crevice of darkness.

anyhoo, as per-usual your beloved boyfriend Nikolai was sure to come home around twelve through one A.M, although you never knew why he'd come home so late or at-least you consider this time late.

whether you were his girlfriend or not, he always kept his occupation a secret from you. It wasn't like you minded though, as long as he came back home safe.

peering at your alarm clock, it was half past ten.

two hours to go, or perhaps three.

sighing to yourself your hands swiftly spun the leaf around in your greenish tea, it was always so quiet without Nikolai. While blankly staring at your drink you briskly set your cup on the table next to you and hurried to your room.

'he won't be home in about two hours or so, fuck it.'

shakily placing your hands on the handle of your closet, you opened it with a scream. quite dramatic.

10:58 P.M

staring at yourself intently, you let out a flustered sigh seeing yourself in such revealing clothes.

there you stood with a tight crop-top that perfectly stopped at your waist which outlined your curves adding more definition to them. Sparkles were radiating out of your waist.

then, you accompanied the crop-top with a high waisted skirt which stopped at your upper thigh.

lastly, the socks completed the whole look. Thigh high socks looked always so well with you, and especially in this outfit you were pulling off. Everything was so, revealing and added a bit of innocence to you.

mumbling to yourself in shame you continued to stare at yourself in the mirror in disbelief, 'why am I agreeing with myself that I actually look cute in this...' shortly after turning around your eyes met with familiar ones.

"Nikolai?!" Shooting your hands up in surprise you could only muster up a blush and a surprised look in front of your boyfriend.

"my, my my!~ Who knew YOU were being slutty...when I wasn't home!"

lowering your hands, bringing them back up to Nikolai's shoulders you cried, "what?! Are you crazy i'd neve-" letting out a short-lived chuckle come from the tricky mouth of his you had an expression which couldn't help turn him on even more.

your eyes were filled with the brim of tears nearly wanting to spill out from surprise, and to add that surprise glance you gave him, that really flipped the switch there.

"i'll take these clothes off ime-" hushing your lips with his own your eyes even gave more of a shock, "mmh Ni-" You tried to speak but Nikolai kept his lips pressed against yours almost making it impossible for you to break free of the endearing kiss.

promptly placing his hand behind the back of your head Nikolai leaned forward onto you pushing you onto the wooden floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2021 ⏰

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