꧁TEN ꧂ - House of cheats

Start from the beginning

"oh finally"
Rhianna breathed out as she removed the headphones feeling more calm after their whole lesson that surely wasn't an actual learning topic.  she stayed to finish packing away her extra books into her bag but noticed something a bit sketchy about Mara once she'd zipped it up and walked towards Jerome who saw the exact same thing "well would ya look at that.. thinking what I'm thinking Jerry?" she said while standing next to him yet lowered her voice.

"eh, what exactly are you thinking?"
Jerome jokingly questioned whereas she simply tilted her head
"jokes all jokes. we are using blackmail  and I know how much you hate it but I need help with my list of demands" he told her soon as their housemate left after throwing away one of their blue exam papers into a bin
"this should be fun" he remarked soon as they began walking out of the classroom however stopped when he'd taking it out of the trash can. Afterwards the duo left their French classroom.

Standing by some lockers were Mick and Amber, the two looked like they're having a 'deep' conversation. "Man I flunked big time" the jock sighed although neither weren't very aware  of their two famous pranksters strolling behind.

"Aw don't worry boo who needs French anyway? if everyone spoke English then life would be so much simpler" commented miss fashionista and earned a very loud yet light laughter which she recognised easily. they each turned around at the same time as their other housemates approached them.

"Amen to that sister!"
Young Clarence agreed through her laugh
"I don't know why my mum signed me up for French. I should've taken German or any other language I was born with" she said whilst clasping her hands together in enjoyment
"my brain hurts so much" she mumbled whilst unlatching them and rubbed her forehead acting like she were in sever pain.

Her three housemates shared collections of looks, despite everything they're talking about Jerome fought his sudden urge to let his smile grow. "I wouldn't worry about that mate something tells me you're going to do a little better than you think"he informed the jock whilst his girl buddy hummed in agreement (their eyes twinkling in complete excitement)they each left their blonde couple in one hundred percent conferment.

SCHOOL HOURS HAD FINISHED, YOUNG CLARENCE CHANGED OUT OF HER UNIFORM into her favourite home outfit. she hopped down the stairs with a smile on her face and spotted Fabian at the bottom in which she missed the last step carefully landing onto their Egyptian tiled floor "Perdóneme" she zoomed past him whilst speaking in Spanish (for some unknown reason). she Realised over these past weeks they've been drifting a part, one main reason being she became friends with more people.. another being he's hanging out with Nina (she isn't mad about that though wishes the three could spend more time together), running into the living/ dining area she almost crushed into Mara yet came into a holt when seeing her main best friends wresting one another "what the... idiots" she mumbled as she stepped over their legs.

Walking into the room where everyone else stayed during their free time ,Fabian had an befuddled expression on his face when seeing Lewis and Clarke wrestling each other
"I thought Alfie and Jerome were doing chores tonight?" he quizzed Mara as they stood in the middle by their dining table.

"Uh.. no it's my night. They're busy anyway.."Jaffary replied  as she held onto their plates from dinner and earned a small smirk opposite where they stood although those three weren't doing anything that could keep them occupied.

  "Yeah, really busy"
flatly informed Fabian, afterwards he left her alone so he could talk with their no longer new American housemate. He was about to ask Nina a question yet got cut off by Williamson sitting on one of the sofas though she wasn't exactly sharing that couch on her own.

Dandelions - House of Anubis1 ✔︎ (edited)Where stories live. Discover now