Chapter 32 Jackson

Start from the beginning

Jumping up and down. Lunges expanding and exhaling. Whistling and shouting. The Earth rotating and orbiting around the sun that has fallen. Live in this moment forever I wish. With a dancing girl and my beating heart. But at the end of the day, a wish is just a wish, a dance is just a dance, and my beating heart will one day stop.

It'll stop in an instant and there will be no more dancing, whistling, shouting, jumping, or breathing. But the Earth will continue rotating and orbiting around the sun that has risen.

To catch a falling star and put it in your pocket requires a lot of effort. But I have caught one without any. She landed in the palm of my hand with a smile on her face. I have no other options but to keep her. To keep her in my pocket.
Blondie throws herself into my arms. Her lips pressed against mine. Her hands woven into my hair and my eyes shut tight. I move my mouth against hers and grip onto her, not wanting to let go.

By the end of the show, my hair is a curly mess and Blondie can hardly walk. "Hold onto me," I say wrapping my hand around her back.

"Thanks," Blondie says holding onto my back as we walk to the car.

"I need to go to my mom's. My parents probably think I'm dead," Blondie laughs when we make it to the car.

I nod, opening the car door for her. I jog around the front of the car to the driver's side. The engine roars and I follow the way that I got here.

"Cold?" I ask Blondie. When she doesn't answer I turn to look at her. Her eyes are shut and her head is tilted up. She's sleeping. A smile creeps onto my face and I remove my jacket. I place it on her in hopes to keep her warm.

I snicker when she lets out a snore. She looks peaceful. Maybe it's because she had a good night or because she's exhausted.
I try to remember where Henry lives. I scan the houses and find the one that seems the most familiar. When I pull into the driveway it's almost 2 A.M.

"We're here Blondie," I say fixing her hair that's in her face. Her eyes blink open and she yawns.

"We are?" Blondie says rubbing her eyes. I nod and she unbuckles herself. "I'll see you at school?" Blondie asks.

I shrug, not knowing if I want to go. Blondie gives me her best death stare and I smirk. "Sure," I say. I lean in, kissing her before she leaves.

I pull away and her eyes open. "I had fun, we have to do this again," she says stepping out of the car. "Goodnight Jackson," Blondie says leaning into the car.

"Goodnight Nadia," I say and with that, she shuts the car door. I stay in front of her house until she makes it inside.

Driving home I feel the best I have in forever.

Will it last?
Thank you for reading. My sister made these cover for the book. The second one is the one I'm currently using. Which one is your favorite?

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