He had to go there and face his friends. They knew, that he had some connections with the famous case of Ji Woon, but they rather saw him as victim. They pitied him, even though they shouldn't. That made him uncomfortable and right now they may be even more annoying, when whole country has found out about the sentence. He sighed and made few steps, until he heard voice calling him from the side. He squinted his eyes trying to see who it was.

'Young Saeng!' Young boy approached him. When he was closer, Woong Tae finally recognized him: it was Yejun, dressed in some silly suit. It wasn't suitable for his handsome, young face. 'Thankfully I found you here, so I don't have to walk around the clinic.'

'What are you doing here?' Woong Tae was concerned. He didn't see Aeri's brother for some time now. They met few times in the court, when they were giving statements, but after they rather avoided each other.

'Can we talk for a minute? Like sit down and talk.'

Woong Tae looked at his watch. He didn't have enough time, but his supervisors were rather kind. Nothing will happen, if he will be late for a few minutes. 'Sure.' He answered and they found some bench under the tree.

Yejun was cropping the sleeve of his jacket, not knowing how he should start the conversation, so older man took the lead. 'I've seen the news. They found him guilty. That's why you're here, right?'


'Are you fine with this judgment? He's not going to prison.'

Yejun took deep breath. 'But still will be trapped for longer time...'

'How it's going to pay for your sister's life?'

High schooler looked up at the tree, pouting. 'She once told me that there is no use crying over spilt milk. What's done can't be undone. Even though I would want it...'

'That's definitely something she would say.' Woong Tae said.

'I came here because of the news, but also I wanted to ask about some things. Ji Soo has send me to the therapist. He said she couldn't look at my sad ass anymore.' Yejun smiled. 'The therapist said that I have to open a little bit and for that I have to know some things.'

Woong Tae leaned forward and back, little stressed about the questions. He hated himself for the fact, that he was included in ruining this young man's life. He even more regretted that he had to play as he was not the fault.

'You wrote the letter?' He didn't expect that question so he looked at Yejun with his brows furrowed. 'The letter attached to the back account book.'

Woong Tae remembered. That day, when he was saying goodbye to her for the first time, he wrote something in her name. He opened his mouth wide. How he should explain it?

'I saw at the court, when you were filing up some documents, that I recognize that handwriting. I earlier thought Ji Soo wrote it, but then I realized it was you.'

The man in blue scrubs didn't know how to answer that, so he just slowly nodded. Yejun continued.

'You really spent with her some time, didn't you? It was like almost she wrote it.'

'Because she did.' Woong Tae thought, but said something else. 'You know, her passing away shocked me completely. I didn't know what to do, I really treated her as family. But what hurt me the most was that I took her from you, her real family. So I tried to pay back with returning things.' He was pleased with himself how well this lie sounded. It's not like this, that he does not regret it, but he couldn't just say the truth like Ji Woon. Soon he would be in hospital, like him, and he still have some things to do.

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