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Charlottes PoV:

Four weeks had passed and it was now only two weeks before the wedding day.

Katie had already purchased a dress and had it fitted. Her best friend Niamh was now living with us for the next two weeks and I would be moving to stay with Eliza three days before the wedding.

"Babe come and help me look for a cake!" A voice called up the stairs and I groaned.

Pulling myself to my feet, I pulled a hoodie over my head before tiptoeing softly downstairs.

"Good morning Charlotte." Another Irish accent greeted and I smiled gratefully as a warm mug of coffee was placed into my hands.

I sipped cautiously as I took a seat next to Katie.

"What options do we have?" I asked as she showed me three photos.

"I like the third one." I smiled, sipping my coffee.

"That's what I said!" Katie turned to face me, a grin plastered on her face.

"Great minds think alike." I winked as Niamh coughed to excuse herself from the situation.

"What flavour do you want? I know you'll say vanilla but I have to check." She typed some details into the website.

"Of course it has to be vanilla, can't be seen to stray away from the norm." I joked as she booked an appointment for taste testing.


We had tried the cake in 8 different flavours and had decided that the large layer would be vanilla as expected and the top would be orange blossom.

We had tried the cake in 8 different flavours and had decided that the large layer would be vanilla as expected and the top would be orange blossom

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We drove home with Niamh and Katie in the front, whilst I sat in silence behind them.

The pair were reminiscing over childhood and teenage memories, inflicting a slight amount of jealousy onto me.

The jealousy didn't derive from the fact I wasn't included but more so from the fact I was unable to relate, as my child and teenage years were very much restricted.

We pulled onto the driveway and Katie turned off the engine.

"Are you okay Char? You've been awfully quiet." Katie turned to face me once Niamh had left.

I shook my head subtly, fighting the burning sensation pressing at my eyes.

"Hey... what's bothering you?" The tears started falling freely down my cheeks.

"Just, you and Niamh had so many fascinating adventures, my weekend highlight was climbing out of my bedroom window and going to cry at Eliza." I laughed in between sobs.

I think I'm falling for you - Katie McGrathWhere stories live. Discover now