"What are you thinking about?" Wilder asked. I hadn't realized he was looking at me until his attention was drawn back to me.

"Kiss me." I pleaded. His eyes immediately filled with an unknown emotion. I stared up at him expectantly, but the kiss never came. He walked over to the large bed placed in the center of the far wall facing the windows. What a beautiful way to wake.

"Adi, We need to talk about everything." Wilder said. He had sat me down and placed himself next to me.

"What do you want to talk about? I told you everything you needed to know, what more could you want? You've won. I don't want to leave, I've quit my job, I want to stay with you, and you're basically the only person who can keep me calm. Without you I wouldn't make it. Isn't that what you wanted. You wanted a life partner, correct?" He took me. He waned me. Why won't he accept that I have given myself to him?

"Adi, no, that's not what I want. I don't want you to surrender to me. You've given up your fight. You've changed yourself to fit my needs. I'm not trying to mold you to my every whim. I want you because of your spirit, because you are you." His elaboration went right over my head.

"You took me, to make me yours." I muttered in confusion.

"Yes, I took you, and in all honesty I shouldn't have, but I couldn't stand to watch you suffer anymore." He placed his hand gently on my cheek, and I didn't flinch at his movement.

"How long did you watch me?" My eyes met his firm stare. I waned an honest answer.

"Months." He responded sharply. I took a deep breath, but his physical contact kept me calm enough to continue the conversation.

"So, you took me because you saw what I went through?" I asked him, curious to see how he would answer. Did he take me because he wanted me, or to save me? I know I shouldn't be hoping for one answer or another, but I couldn't help but be wanted.

"I felt every slap, every nightmare, every bit of stress. Once I first found you, I knew you were my mate, and from that day forward, I felt what you felt through the bond. I took you because I wanted you to be happy for once. I wanted you to feel loved and cherished, and that is what I intend on doing." I was left gasping for air after his explanation. He truly wanted to show me what life could be like, how life could be better. It was never about him. He has been looking out for me.

"So when I told you I loved you, why did you reject me?" It was the question that had been eating away at my mind ever since it happened. He sighed, and tucked me into his embrace.

"You said that you loved me because you felt like it was what I wanted to hear at that moment. It may be true, you may love me, but at that exact moment, you were looking to appease me, not to be honest with yourself. I would prefer you hating me than to you unconsciously lying to me." He whispered in my ear, and with one final kiss to my temple, I was entranced with this man. I turned to him awestruck.

"Kiss me, please Wilder." I managed to spill the word stew from my brain that he had just turned to mush. With a wide smile he looked down at me.

"Gladly." He quipped back. I felt his lips touch down onto mine, and everything after that passed in a haze. His warm lips brought me to an unreal level of happiness, and I know he felt it too. We kissed softly on the warm mattress, letting the night pass us overhead. I wasn't sure how long we had been going at it, but eventually he moved from my lips up my cheek, and to my ear.

"Mark me, Wilder." I whispered in his ear. He pulled away slightly from his kissing to look into my eyes. I did my best to convince him with my look that it was something I genuinely wanted. He stared for a moment, and finally he nodded.

"I love you." He said firmly. It wasn't the way I expected that to go, but the initial emotion that I was greeted with was pure ecstasy, before it turned into pure shock.

"You- you love me?" I questioned happily. He smiled down at me.

"I can feel the joy radiating from you." He smiled and leaned back down into my neck. I stretched open for him, as I felt his sharp teeth graze the length of my neck.

"I love you too." I smiled as I felt his sharp teeth poke my gentle skin. His teeth pierced my neck like knife into butter. I never imagined that it would be so easy to break skin with teeth, but the shock and adrenaline wore off quickly, and it was replaced with pain. When the pain became unbearable, I squirmed and Wilder let off.

There we laid, looking up to the stars together. The night was fading, and the sun was rising, but neither of us waned to sleep. The warmth of the embrace kept us awake long into the morning, and just as I had wished, we watched the sun rise together.


Double update who? Me! That's right! Bet you weren't expecting this, but I'm on a roll. I hope you enjoyed this chapter, because I sure did. Love you all and don't forget to drink water!

Vote. Comment. Message me- you get the gist.

Have a good one peeps!




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