I feel his hand softly push my hair back. ''Listen, you really can't be here. Let's go somewhere else'' I look up, seeing Hades looking stressed around and then he tries picking me up from the floor. But I scoot away from him.

''Don't touch me! Don't you see what you're doing to me? You're making me do things that I never even thought about, and I.. I'm disgusted at myself for allowing you to do that, and for making me feel those kinds of ways'' I almost whisper the last part to myself. I look up at him, watching how he kneels down in front of me. ''I wanted to be your friend, not a girl you could have your fun with. That's not me Hades, I don't want that..''

''Wh.. What did you do to her?'' My heart jumps in fright when I hear that voice. My head snaps up, and I see Sebastian standing there not too long away from us. And I can already tell that his eyes are the same as that day, all black. His voice is frightening too, just like that time.

Hades groans at his arrival, and then he grabs my cheeks to turn my face to face him again. ''Little one, I'm sorry. I'm really, really, sorry okay? I promise i will make it all up to you, but please look away now''

It all happens too fast, in a swift movement Hades is being pushed away from me and instead Sebastian's stands protectively in front of me. ''What the fuck did you do to her!''

Hades looks down at me, and then up at Sebastian again. ''That's none of your business'' He answers him, clearly not what Sebastian wanted to hear. Because next thing I know he's about to lunge for him, but then I find myself getting up on my feet and grabbing a hold of Sebastian's arm.

And then my mind goes blank.

''I'm going to fucking kill you!'' Sebastian yells, pulling me back to everything that's happening around me.

''I'd like to see you try'' Hades smirks, taunting Sebastian.

Lucifer's POV

I should apologize to her, shouldn't I? Yeah you really should, you were way too harsh with her. I know.. I know I crossed the line, I shouldn't have done that. But she doesn't belong here, and the sooner she realizes that, the better. And she really doesn't belong with Hades, I mean come on. Hades out of all people.. I should get her away from here, away from him. No from both of them. Satan might not be a problem for now, but he will be. And then you can have her for yourself, right? I-.. No.

She's still just an annoying young girl who doesn't know anything about life. I'll admit that I might find her just a bit less annoying than before. But that's only because she keeps coming back, like the pest she is. But you do like having her around. I don't.. No.. I just tolerate her company that's all, now go away. Leave me alone. Oh come on, don't be like that. You know you only told her those things because you feel jealous. I try putting up the blockade inside my mind again, keeping the voice out. But the sound of something breaking prevents me from focusing.

Quickly I walk until I reach the noise, and the sight I'm met with isn't a pretty one. I let out a sigh as I saw the two brainless idiots fighting yet again. At least they're doing it here, instead of somewhere where I have to step up and fix everything afterwards. I don't care what they do here, as long as they don't involve me in it. Lucifer look. Not now, go away. No seriously, I need you to look!

My heart stops in my chest as I notice the little form of a human girl, better known as Adelaide. Laying on the ground, in a pool of her own blood. I feel my eyes change to the red color, as I feel nothing but anger inside me. And this time I don't try to fight against it. I get in between Hades and Satan, then I grab Satan and throw him down onto the ground. Before grabbing a hold of Hades, and pushing him hard against the wall.

''What the hell did you do to her!'' I yell into his face. But it's like he doesn't hear my voice, or even register the fact that I'm choking him. He looks past my shoulder and tries to push me back in order to get back at fighting Satan. ''I asked you a question!''

Lucifer.. I enter both of their minds at the same time, making both of them drop to their knees while screaming their lungs out. Lucifer! What! what could you possibly want now!

''Stop!'' I hear Satan scream, while Hades calls me a bastard. But I couldn't care less about that, as I make them feel like their blood is boiling.

Lucifer stop! I slip out of their minds, shaking my head as I walk towards Adelaide. Good, you came to your senses quicker this time. Shut up.. I pick the girl up from the floor, feeling how cold her skin is against my palm. Looking down at her, I see the blood is coming from the back of her head. What did they do to you..

''None of you are allowed to be near her ever again'' My voice is trembling with rage, as I look at the two. They're both holding their heads tightly, and breathing heavily. And then finally Hades looks up at me, his eyes widening at Adelaide's limp body in my arms. He's always the first one to come back to himself after my little mind tortures. Satan however, is a different story. He's laying against the floor, begging me to stop it.

''A-Addy'' Hades stutters, as he struggles with standing up.

I look at him, but he's still looking at Adelaide. He looks like someone just broke his favorite toy. ''You won't ever lay a single finger on her. Try to go against my words, and I promise. I will ruin the both of you''

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