Start from the beginning

I searched for Draco, my heart beating wildly when I saw him flying at rapid speed, chasing the snitch and not far behind him, was Harry.

"Now it's getting good," Pansy purred from beside me, looking at Harry and Draco flying around the arena, students cheering as they flew past them. I turned my sure back to Draco and Harry only to see them disappear behind the stands before bashing into each other. Worry caught in my throat.

I turned to the scoreboard, Gryffindor's were winning by one point until Blaise threw the Quaffle into the goal. Slytherins cheered as 10 points were added to our score.

"That's my man," cheered Daphne and Pansy and I laughed. I don't think she realised she said that out loud.

I saw Harry and Draco appear again and Harry was inches away from the snitch until Draco crashed into him, and the crowd gasped aloud when Harry fell to the side and almost plummeted to the ground. He caught himself but in the process gave Draco time to grab the snitch.

Hooch's whistle screeched and the Slytherins stood in one and cheered loud with pride.

The players landed and huddled around Draco, cheering in their glory. The Gryffindors stood to the side, annoyance evident from up where I sat. Then I noticed a pissed-off Harry slam his broom and helmet to the ground and storm toward Draco.

Oh shit.

"This will be interesting," Pansy said, her mischievous giggle echoing, "Let's go down there."

Draco's pov

I was surrounded by my team and their cheers and I must admit, it felt good to win. I was even smiling until I saw Potter stomping toward me, face red and anger swirling in his eyes. I stepped forward, my team standing behind me, noticing who was asking for a fight.

"Don't be a sore loser, Potter," I practically sighed, grinning as I watched the angry boy approach me. Then he shoved me, hard enough to make me step back and a few of my teammate's stepped forward, ready to defend me. I didn't need it though.

"I would have won if you hadn't pushed me off my broom," Potter shouted as he took another step closer. Getting brave I see.

"Put your hands on me again and see what fucking happens," I seethed, taking a step closer and looking down at him.

"You cheated," he gritted his teeth and I noticed a few students gathered around to watch. If I was to be honest, I wasn't in the mood for this pettiness.

"Just accept you lost and piss off," I lowered my face, making sure my threat was seen. That's when he grabbed my top in his fists and any amusement was wiped from my face.

"Harry, leave it," Ron pleaded from behind him and grabbed his shoulder but the stupid Gryffindor didn't let go of me. I was inches from hitting him—the calm rage boiling inside of me.

Harry looked to his left and I followed his eye direction. He was looking at Eliza walking over to us, "She'll see who you really are soon enough."

My jaw clenched, there was no reason to bring Eliza into this and he went ahead and did it anyway, and also confirmed my greatest fear. I should have punched him but before I could Weasley yanked his arm back.

"Let's go," Weasley said and Potter gave me one final glare before turning and walking past Eliza.

"Dickhead," Theo scoffed as he came and stood beside me.

Theo and I watched them leave and I was practically daring either of them to turn around and try something. My glare was evil and I could feel the hatred in my gaze. Until a soft voice and the sweet smell of Daisy's surrounded me, jolting me out of my glare immediately. I turned, my gaze softening when I saw Eliza standing in front of me.

 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐨 𝐈𝐧𝐧𝐨𝐜𝐞𝐧𝐭 |𝐃.𝐌 (re-write)Where stories live. Discover now