-Chapter 6- Fault Line

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-CHAPTER 6- Fault Line

Bruhher: Wh.. What?! Bruhhsy!

Harry: Kevin! Your stand!

Kevin: Oh, Yeah!

Noelle: Supersonic!

Noelle suddenly appears on top of the roof of the store.

Harry: What a predictable stand ability.. 'Supersonic'? He has super speed..

Kevin: That's powerful isn't it?!

Harry: It must have a weakness..

Bruhher! Get back. Focus, and try and use your stand!

Harry and Kevin run out of the store.

Harry: W-What?!

Noelle suddenly appears Infront of Kevin.

Kevin kicks Noelle in the chest

Noelle: Aah! I have to run away!

Noelle suddenly appears in the store.

Harry: I got it! His weakness!

He can only use his super-speed for a few seconds, otherwise, he would've ran farther than that!

Kevin: Bruhhsy! Where is he?!

Harry: His body was right here.. He's planning to finish off Bruhhsy!

Kevin! Let's do the move we discussed.

Kevin: Oh! Okay!

Harry kicks soil under a lamppost, the soil breaks into shards, heading towards the glass door of the shop.

The shards shatter the glass door, they keep going and the sharp shards hit Noelle's back.

Noelle: Nrgh! Those abilities are pretty strong.. but mine is stronger.

Noelle appears behind Kevin

Kevin strikes at his face.

Kevin: Wait What? I.. punched Bruhhsy! He used Bruhhsy as a decoy!

Harry! Watch out!

Noelle punches Harry's head using his super speed, running out as he was about to hit Harry's head.

Harry falls onto the floor

Harry: A-agh! His punch was.. fast! if it was his full speed and it didn't run out..

The lamp post starts shattering into shards above Noelle as he suddenly disappears.

Harry: He's near! Get ready Kevin!

Noelle appears behind Harry

Harry kicks the soil on the ground and Noelle dodges.

Kevin: Harry, I think I have a plan.. follow me!

Kevin runs into the store as Harry follows

Kevin opens the backdoor outside.

Harry: Kevin.. what's your plan?

Kevin: Wait!

Kevin hears footsteps coming closer inside the store

Kevin throws a nearby rock above the store's roof and the whole roof shatters into shards.

Noelle: W-What!

As some of the shards pierce Noelle, he ran out using his speed.

Kevin: Some of the shards pierced him!! Using his super-speed would only depend on his reaction!

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