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The decision to accept the proposal brought about a whirlwind of chaos in my home as we scrambled to make all the necessary arrangements. While marrying Alizay's brother may have seemed insignificant to others, Alizay herself was overjoyed to have me as her sister-in-law. Her genuine acceptance and warmth towards me made me question my own worthiness. Was I truly deserving of being her sister-in-law? Did I have what it takes to be a good wife to her brother? These doubts lingered in my mind.

Currently, my life is in disarray and nothing seems to make sense anymore. I am simply going with the flow as it comes. Baba's sister has been here for the past three days, assisting with preparations and fulfilling a motherly role, while Baba and Haroon have taken on the responsibility of organizing everything that is required.

 Marriage is a significant milestone in every girl's life, as they dream of finding their true love and getting married one day. They envision a splendid wedding celebration filled with lively music, dance performances, and joyful qawali nights spent with their cousins. Late-night conversations and games add to the excitement, along with traditional ceremonies like dholkis and mehndis. However, my own marriage turned out quite differently. It was a simple affair, consisting of a direct nikkah ceremony followed by ruksti. There were no extravagant arrangements or elaborate festivities. Only close family members, a few neighbors, and some of my father's friends were invited to witness the union.

It is quite amusing how I still find myself pondering over him presently. Naturally, his family was never extended an invitation. Despite Baba sending the invitation, acknowledging that they were once considered our family in name, it was merely a futile attempt to improve matters, almost like a jest. Aunty Ruqiya went as far as tearing the invitation apart and explicitly instructing us to leave. It truly is astonishing, isn't it?

I found myself seated on the bed, completely enveloped in yellow. From my yellow trousers to my yellow kameez and yellow dupatta, every inch of my attire adhered to the traditional color. Despite the simplicity of the arranged nikkah, it seemed that certain traditions could not be overlooked. Baba's sister, Aunt Haniya, insisted that I wear yellow, as it was customary for a soon-to-be bride. It was believed that this would enhance my radiance, but truthfully, I felt no such glow within me. Instead, a sense of gloom permeated from the depths of my being.

"For heaven's sake, Inaya, please stop moving!" I heaved a heavy sigh as I let my hazel eyes stare at the person in front of me, Alizay

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

"For heaven's sake, Inaya, please stop moving!" I heaved a heavy sigh as I let my hazel eyes stare at the person in front of me, Alizay. "My buttocks are numb, could I please at least rest for like 5 minutes?"

 "My buttocks are numb, could I please at least rest for like 5 minutes?"

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.
FATED TO BE HISNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ