When one gives a girl a nasty shock

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The four phantoms poofed them self into a skateboard, smiling softly as a boy stopped in front of them.

"Hey! What's up, man? You brought friends" willie says.

"Yeah. These are my bandmates, uh, Luke, Jess and Reggie" Alex said gesturing at his friends, as Jess watched between Alex and willie with a smirk.

"Cool. I'm Willie," the boy said, fist bumping the phantoms. "So... you guys here to learn some 'tricks'?"

Willie pointed to some cop cars making sirens go off, and letting some skaters get away from there grasps.

"Do it again! Do it again!" Reggie cheered.

"Actually, we were thinking a little bigger. An old bandmate and his wife stole from us. We wanna confront them face-to-face."

"All right. Is this, uh, old friend of yours a lifer?"

The phantoms faces morphed into confusion at the term.

"Oh, that's fancy ghost lingo for the living. Little something I picked up."

"Ah! Then, yeah! He's a lifer. Too much of a fancy-pants for street dogs" Reggie said.

"Yeah, I'm sorry. Speaking to lifers is even out of my league." They all frowned at the news. "You know, but there is one ghost who might be able to help you guys. He's kind of a big deal."

"Literally, anything would help" Luke said excitedly.

"Oh, all right. Well, um, I gotta go take care of some things, but I'll meet you where Alex and I met, eight o'clock. See ya."

And with that the phantoms all poofed out, Jess with a different destination in mind.

She poofed into the kitchen of the Wilson's mansion and got to wandering around.

She took notice of the rooms she passed. It wasn't as big as it looked from the outside, although compared to her house it was flipping huge.

She made her way upstairs, catching the sound of some song playing.

She prepared her self for complete awkwardness but knew she would have to face it one way or another.

She quickly poofed into the room, causing the young girl to let out a small scream and grab a iPad in her hands defensively, as if it was a weapon.

"I'll give you 10 seconds to explain how the hell you keep showing up out of nowhere, and why my mom couldn't see you, before I call my dad and the cops" she said, clearly trying to keep a stern voice but Jess could hear the shakiness of it.

"I'm a ghost."

The girl simply stared at her. "What the fuck kind of a explanation is that?!"

"You have a phone?"

"Of course I do, how else would I call 911 in a minute about a crazy pants teenager claiming she's a ghost, and who broke into my house."

"Search up sunset curve" Jess said with a huff, not bothered one bit by the threats and panic the other girl was letting out.

"Why should I?"

"Cause a 16 year old girl just magically appeared in your room, and unless you just want to hear another speech about how I'm a "hologram", I suggest you stop aiming your box device thingy at me" Jess deadpanned. She knew she was being blunt, but it was funny seeing how squirmy it was making the young blonde.

The blonde simply stared at the girl for a few clearly debating over her options mentally. She then picked up her phone, keeping one eye on Jess, and searched up sunset curve. "Now what?"

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