Julies room

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Jess's POV

I poofed into the garage a few moments later. I silently prayed that the boys wouldn't notice the redness of my face, or how it's all blotchy, and just continue to be there idiotic selfs.

"Guys?" I said, placing my guitar down, and wandering around the room.

I looked around once more, before closing my eyes and picturing the boys.


I opened my eyes, finding my self standing right behind Julie.

"This can't happen. It's creepy."

"What's happening?" I spoke up.

Julie jumped back and let out a small scream. "Oh my gosh, not you too! I was just telling the guys, to stay out of my room."

"Oh" I said eyeing the boys, as they waved awkwardly towards me. "I'm pretty sure there trying to take in what a girls room looks like in there afterlife, since none of them have actually ever seen a girls room in there.. well.. life."

"That's not true,!" Luke started. "I've seen your room."

"That's cause I'm your sister idiot, I'm talking about girls that haven't had to see you playing with your rubber duck while pretending to be a super hero."

"I- I-"

A loud laugh came from Reggie while Alex tried his absolute hardest not to laugh. "Hey," I said pointing between the two boys. "Don't act like you guys didn't join in on it sometimes."

At the boys silence, I grinned, turning back towards Julie. Her glare could have probably killed a man but I took it as a challenge and didn't let my smile falter.

Julie sighed turning back to the boys, and my smile grew, as I walked over next to Alex.

"Get off my bed, please" Julie said pointing at Reggie.

Reg scurried off it, placing him self now on a beanbag chair.

"Hey, Julie," Luke said raising his hand, before lowering it to point at a box. "What's in the box?"

"That's off-limits" she snapped.

"Oh. Oh, OK," Luke chucked. "Girl stuff."

"Lucas" I said shooting him a glare.

"Oh, like butterflies and glitter?" Reggie said, giving Julie and knowing look.

"Girls aren't all butterflies and glitter, my room didn't have butterflies and glitter" I said raising my eyebrows.

"You had just a little butterflies and glitter" Luke said nervously.

"Just a little" Reggie said, his voice a few octaves higher.

"Oh, come on," Alex gave a disbelieving look to Luke and Reggie, before glancing back and forth between me and Julie. "I'm sorry about them."

"It's none of your business. And yes, there might be some glitter."

Reggie smirked, happy to be right, as I huffed.

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