Flashback: When three get drunk

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A/N: this chapters purely for the fun of it 😀👍🏻

"So your going home today?" Alex asked the brunette as she slammed her locker closed.

"Gotta do it eventually."

Jess had been staying with Reggie for about a week since her last argument with her parents. She didn't want to intrude but she was scared to go home.

"Well did you hear about Evan crybenski's party later on? That's supposed to be fun" Alex said, taking in the way Jess tensed at the subject of her parents, and quickly changing the topic.

Jess shrugged as she started walking next to Alex. "I heard about it. Don't really do party's though, you know?"

Alex nodded. He knew what she was talking about. Her mom was the closest thing to a real mom any of them had, but god was she strict. She had an argument with Luke just about everyday because he's choosing to be in a band instead of college, and she couldn't be more strict towards Jess now with her grades. I guess she figures that if one child is throwing his life away the other needs to be as perfect as they could come, and as much as he loved Jess. She was far from what they would call perfect.

"Maybe go to this one. Just once, you know? You can head back to your folks house tomorrow."

Jess sighed, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "Al, I've litterly never been to a party. One during the week of a family argument might not be the best idea."

"Come onnn Jess," Alex said throwing his hands up playfully. "Loosen up. Me, reg, and Luke, will be there, you can stick with us. Well stick with us until Reg and Luke get drunk as a skunk, then you can hang out with me. I got stuck with the position of driver."

Jess smiled a bit. "Ima admit, I kinda want to see drunk reg and Luke."

Alex smiled widely at the girl. "Oh my gosh there a mess. Last time they got drunk, Reggie ended up flirting with every girl at the party, and Luke ended up just beating some random dude up for the fun of it. When I say I had to drag them out of there, I mean I had to drag them out of there."

Jess cracked up. "Did Luke at least win the fight?"

"Nope, if I hadn't grabbed him by his jacket and dragged him away, he probably would have gotten knocked out."

As Jess laughed harder, Alex smiled at the girl. Him and the boys loved making her laugh.

Jess stopped at her class before turning to face Alex. "Ok, maybe I'll go."

"I'll take that maybe as a yes. I'll pick you up from Reggies at 7."

Jess opened her mouth to reply but Alex had already ran away. She rolled her eyes and walked into class.


"Alex?! Where are you?!" Jess shouted, making her way past the groups of people.

Reggie and Luke were already on there third cups of alcohol and they'd only been there for ten minutes. Alex had disappeared at one point, leaving Jess alone in the middle of the party.

Jess made her way through the groups of people only stopping when a hand was placed on her shoulder. She whipped around coming face to face with Evan. "Hey Evan, have you seen Alex?"

He shook his head no. "Stop worrying about him, he probably went to the bathroom or something. Your friends have been practically stalking the bar, why aren't you hanging out with them?"

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