Chapter 21-King Kong

Start from the beginning

An insistent knock at the door ended their conversation. 

"Keep me updated."  Zayn said to Luke's retreating back. 

Sammy struts through the door dressed in leather from head to toe, brushing past Luke. 

"You asked to see me?"  He asks in a subdued tone. 

Sammy's behavior was unusual.  Zayn was used to hearing spunk and sass mimicking his actions and words.

Luke quietly shuts the door behind him.

Zayn takes a deep breath and straightens.  "Yes I did.  I know you are planning to depart this weekend but I must ask you to stay.  For Hope's sake.  I need you to be my anchor to her."

Sammy tilts his head with questioning eyes.  "You want me to stay because of Hope? What for?  To keep tabs on her?"  He shakes his head.  "Fat fucking chance, pretty boy.  You let the universe decide and you let her go instead of grasping life by the balls!" Sammy nearly shouted.  "You should have gotten on your knees begging her to stay. Fück her Husband!"  He makes a ladylike stomp.   "If you want her you're gonna have to fight for her on your own.  I ain't gettin involved in another St. James blockbuster!  Excuse me, I'm outta here!"

Sammy held his head high, turned away without another word, and marched towards the door.

Zayn rubs his temples, releasing a frustrated sigh.  "Sammy, wait."

Sammy ignored him, nearly ripping the doorknob in his haste to flee. 

"I never wanted her to leave, you know.  When I took her home with me the night I found her–It felt right.  Even then, I felt like her place was with me.  Even in the condition she was in."  Zayn's lips compressed into a small, bitter smile.

Sammy stops beneath the threshold, slowly turning to face him. 

"I want to kill any man who looks at her.  As you know I'm not in the habit of denying myself.  I couldn't very well keep her for myself when she was married to a man she was sharing her life with before she met me.  Letting her go was a supreme act of will. ."

The deepest regions of his heart a truth reigned. 

That he loved her. 

She was his joy, his strength.  She was everything he was searching for, what he had been waiting for his whole life, without realizing it.  Part of him had been missing.  All the time he wasted in the presence of other females, the pleasure, the laughter, the desire, the delight, as much as it filled him to bursting, was never complete. 

She was that part.  The missing part that completed him.  Now he knew what it meant to be whole. 

Sammy eyes held his. 

"She deserved to have a choice. . . And a chance to explore the life she shared with her husband.  However, that does not mean that I have let her go but I have nothing to go on.  I don't trust Colin.  I need to make sure she's ok.  I need you to keep close contact with her.  You're her only friend after–."

"You think she's in danger?"

"Possibly."  Zayn replied. 

"Why don't you contact her yourself?"

"Something tells me Colin knows Hope and I were close at one point.  I do not want to cause any unnecessary trouble for her and trigger his jealousy.  Men do stupid things when they're jealous."

Sammy quirks an eyebrow.  "Men like you...?"

Zayn nods and closes his eyes briefly.  "Precisely, Men like me."   He agrees. 

His Hope [Zayn][Completed]Where stories live. Discover now