Chapter Twenty One

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Just as they had reached the door Pierce turned over his shoulder and asked Natalie one last question.

"Two percent or whole?" he asked from the doorway.

"Oh I want the whole thing," she answered with a flirty smile as she took one side of her bottom lip between her teeth.

She's so fucking sexy.

"You got it baby," he said with a wink as he closed the door behind him.

Pierce headed down Declan's front steps and left his flirtatious playful energy inside with Natalie as he and Declan cleared their minds, draining themselves of every emotion that could possibly cloud their judgement. Declan's words replayed in his head as he readied himself for the task at hand.

"Find the line between loving her and hating them. That's where you need to operate." 


Once they had changed clothes and gathered the weapons they needed from the armory at Knight, Bravo team loaded into Pierce's truck and headed toward the address that Nate had provided.

Pierce parked at the end of the street and turned off the ignition, surveying the dark neighborhood around them.

"You call Wyatt yet?" Marcus asked.

"I figured we'd have a little fun and get our questions answered first before we handed them over to the DEA." Declan said.

Wyatt was their DEA contact and had been hunting Estrada for years. He was currently hunting down Estrada's compounds and accomplices one by one and was going to be thrilled when Bravo team delivered two more to him that night, but only after Pierce's message had been firmly delivered and received.

"I like the way you think Boss." Caleb said.

The team made their way down the street, staying silently in the shadows to remain undetected which was relatively easy. The neighborhood was rough with hardly any working street lights. Pierce was grateful for the cover it provided, but even more grateful that in a neighborhood like that, gunshots wouldn't be out of the ordinary or questioned.

The only light that was visible from the house was the faint blue flashing light from a TV screen. Traveling around the perimeter of the house, the team gathered some reconnaissance before entering, hoping to get an accurate headcount before breaching the door.

"It's just the two of them." Marcus said as they gathered on the back side of the house.

"Piece of fucking cake." Caleb said with a cocky grin.

"You and Caleb take the back and Pierce and I will take the front. Rush em' from both sides." Declan said.

"Copy that Boss." Marcus answered before turning on his heel with Caleb toward the back door.

Declan and Pierce took slow calculated steps up the front porch, evenly distributing their weight across the boards without making a sound.

"You ready?" Declan asked.

"Born." Pierce responded with his weapon drawn and silencer firmly attached.

In one swift motion, Declan kicked the door in, splintering the wood frame as he and Pierce barged into the room with their weapons drawn, while hearing Marcus do the same on the back side of the house.

"Don't you fucking move!" Pierce screamed as they entered the living room where the two assholes were sitting and watching TV.

Both men jumped with one throwing his hands in the air in a surrender pose and the other leaning forward for a gun that was sitting on the coffee table in front of them.

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