Chapter 4

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[Adrien's P.O.V.]

After I watched Isa leave to her room from what she almost marked me. I sat

up having blush still plastered on my cheeks. I put my hand on my neck, Katherine and Jade looked at me surprised that their cousin just admitted that I won.

"I-I'm gonna head to bed...Night," I say, stuttering a bit as I stand up and go to Katherine's room. When I got there I opened the door and closed right when I got in. I breathe in and out. 'Man! My heart is beating out of my chest..' I thought to myself. I go to my makeshift bed and lay down snuggling one of the pillows.

When morning came, I yawned remembering that I had to go to school. I got myself up walking to the kitchen and started to make breakfast. Katherine woke up next and woke up Isa and Jade. Isa and Jade trudge into the kitchen tiredly, I smile at both of them and point to the table that was already ready with breakfast. Everyone ate along with me then we got ready for school and then Jade drove us. I sat next to the window staring outside. The whole car was silent except for music that was playing and I was humming the tune.

When we got to school we had 10 minutes or so to walk or talk to our friends. Instead, I pulled out my phone and put in earbuds and started to listen to music while walking around till the 5 minute bell rang and so I could go to my first period which was Biology. As for Isa, She went to class already and I don't know what her first period is but I hope that I don't run into my brother's friends. When I walked into class I saw a familiar face, looking out the window. 'Isa!?' I yelled at myself. I looked at her and attempted to walk in the room without her noticing. I quickly made my way to the back as more kids came into the room and joined their group of friends. 'Does she not have any friends?' I wondered to myself as I watched her stare out the window.

"Hey! You must be Adrien, Shane's little "sister"," a male said knocking

me out of thought. My breath hitches when I find out that my big brother's friends are in this class. I try backing away knowing that they are like gangsters. The main boy that was talking started walking towards me, so did his friends.

"Oh yeah, she's definitely the one with that omegan scent she's using,"

the other one chimes in. The main one smiles and nods.

"Tell me girlie, do you have a mate? Because I wouldn't mind taking

you to become mine," he said blocking me to a wall.

"N-No, leave me alone," I responded afraid, hearing their laughter

echo. They both laughed for a short while, until I heard a loud bang, like someone hitting a wall. I look up to see, Isa holding one of the boys by the collar up against the wall. She had an angry scowl that I have never seen before. Her intensity pheromones were a lot stronger than the other alphas, making most of the people in the room feel fear.

"Will you shut up? You're so damn loud. Can't you see that she doesn't

like you and doesn't want to be messed with? So if I see you lay a finger on her again, I'll cut both of your hands off and shove them down your throat, making you forget how to breathe," she said to them as poison spilled from her mouth. The other two alphas quickly nodded in fear and ran to their desk. Once they were further away, she looked at me, making my heart flutter a bit.

"Get up," she commanded me, still a bit angry. I followed her order and

did as she says. She then grabbed my wrist and plopped me down in the seat next to her.

"Talk and I slap you," she said facing the window again. I nod as I felt

my heart fluttered that she saved me. I blushed at the fact that she cares. After the mini quarrel, I heard many people talk amongst themselves. I heard that they were surprised that she's an alpha. 'Did they not know? Why is Isa hiding the fact that she's an alpha?' I thought to myself as I turned my head to stare at her. Her threatening pheromones have calmed down, but I still felt a bit warm that a strong alpha like her, protected an omega like me. I smile to myself and then look down at the table, remembering the time that my older brother would save me whenever his friends were around.. I felt hot tears pierce my eyes. I blink them away quickly, Shane a car crash a year ago.

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