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this takes place a few days before jeonghan got sober heh, another flashback

they were in front of jisoo's house because the other said he needed to talk to his parents, that it would make him feel good, after knocking several times on the door, they opened it with a glare and their son had just started his plan, he had been telling how horrible parents they were while they were just listening

"remember when you humiliated me publicly several times and all those times you locked me in the basement, even all those times beat me until i nearly lost consciousness, or what about that time you sent me away for six fucking months to conversion therapy?"

his parents flinched at the curse and made an angry expression "we don't have to listen to this" his dad said and grabbed her mom by her arm and started taking her away

"you don't have to listen" jisoo smirked

they stopped and turned to look at him confusedly before freezing in the spot and making a horrified expression

jeonghan and jisoo were kissing violently while smirking in between the kiss, when suddenly, the older stopped kissing his lips only to start kissing his neck and start sucking on it

the younger let out a cocky smile and tilted his head to make eye contact with his parents "that's how good conversion therapy works" he chuckled smugly and gave them his middle finger "you fuckers will rot in hell"

his parents glared at him and entered the house angrily without looking back so jeonghan stopped kissing him only to wipe his lips and stare at him "that felt fucking good didn't it?" he chuckled

"so good" jisoo licked his lips with the smirk not leaving his face and then turned to look at him "let's go back to the apartment, i want to fuck the life out of you"

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