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~•~•~•~•~•~•hiii i just wanted to say that i make requests if you want anything let me know

It was three am and you were on you're apartment floor crying.

"So pathetic "

You sed to yourself as you were shaking and starting to slip in little space.

You were only a piece of shit who couldn't do anything good even if you tried your hardest.

It never seemed enough, at this point, you wondered if was it worth it Living.

You never accepted your little space and yoongi knew it and tried to help you accept yourself.

But today yoongi wasn't there..he was in the recording studio.
And you were fitting with all of you're will to not slip.

You hated to be in little space, you always felt insecure about it, you were too childish and stupid, it made you feel good but after you felt disgusted for yourself.

You hear a door slam close as yoongi arrived home, but you couldn't hear it because of the anxiety you started to feel.

"Y/n why are you in the kitchen ?" You still couldn't hear him and started breathing heavily " y/n ?" He asked again with a concerned look on his face.

You started rambling words like "I dun wanna slip " over and over like a mantra and starting to feel dizzy.

At this point yoongi was really concerned, he gripped your hands tracing little circles on your palm in a calming way, and looked you in the eyes.

"Kitten? It's all okay, concentrate on my voice, listen to daddy"

Your inner child was begging to come out

" how about we go take some choccy milk and watch Ponyo?" Yoongi said while placing a hand on your cheek.

"Yeah daddy pwease"

You started sobbing so he took you in his embrace and picked you up.

One of his hands playing with your hair in a comforting way while he brought you to the couch and played the movie.

As soon as the song started to play you stopped crying and started to sing along, giggling happily.

Before you could even notice a cup of choccy milk was in your hands and you cuddled with yoongi on the couch.

The familiar soundtrack, the warm drink, yoongi 's touch made you feel so calm that you started to drift into sleep.

"I love you kitten" those were the last words you heard.

Yoongi X Little Reader Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now