"Poor Levy." Mirajane sighed as the three women sat together in the warm water. "I've never seen her so miserable."

"I know. She's searched pretty much every inch of the whole planet and for some reason she can't find Juvia." Cana said. "She doesn't deserve this misery."

"It's all our fault." Erza said regretfully. "Not you Mirajane, me and Cana. We should've been watching Juvia that day. We all knew how sheltered she was but we got into an argument and we failed to notice her wandering off."

"You're right about that." Cana sighed with guilt. "I'm surprised that Levy hasn't blamed us for this."

"Now you two shouldn't beat yourselves up over this." Mirajane said comfortingly. "Juvia is not a child, she is a grown woman. You two couldn't be expected to babysit her that day and she chose to wander off. Maybe even chose to leave. Who knows, maybe she wasn't even abducted."

"But why would she leave?" Cana asked.

"Maybe she just wanted try going out and living on her own."

"Without telling Levy?" Erza inquired. "I mean I'm not saying I'm against the idea of her choosing to live on her own but if she did that then why wouldn't she tell Levy? She must've known that leaving without a word would upset and worry her greatly."

"You have a point there. It is a bit odd that she would leave willingly but not inform anyone."

"What's even more odd is that she doesn't seem to be anywhere on earth. Could she be somewhere in the heavens?"

"Possibly but neither Natsu or Mavis have mentioned seeing her up there." 

"Just where the Tartarus is she?" Cana said.

"Sonya only knows." Erza stepped out of the spring and put on a robe. "I'm going to comb my hair. I'll be back."

"Okay." Cana said watching her leave. "If there's any consolation to any of this, at least everyone is trying to help Levy."

"Well almost everyone." Mirajane said.

"Oh yeah, Laxus. Well he never helps anybody and he's always been a jerk."

"True but I was referring to Evergreen." 


"For someone reason she doesn't appear all that concerned or sympathetic to Levy's situation."

"Well she's not exactly the most empathetic and selfless goddess."

"Yes of course but something tells me this isn't just her being careless and it might be my imagination but whenever she hears someone bring up what happened to Juvia, she looks very smug. As if she bested someone or won some sort of competition."

"What exactly are you getting at?"

"Do you remember how a lot mortals, gods, and other beings reacted to seeing Juvia for the first time?"

"Yeah. They thought she was sweet, nice, beautiful-"

"Yes. They thought she was very beautiful. So beautiful that people from distant lands would travel such a great length just to witness her beauty. The mortals started worshipping her in no time at all, some even said she that was more beautiful than Evergreen and I don't think I need to tell you how dangerous Evergreen's vanity and jealousy can be."

"So you think she might have had something to do with Juvia's disappearance?"

"Truthfully I wouldn't put it past her."

"Oh come on, she's crazy about her looks but not that crazy."

"Cana she once started a war all because she wanted to know who the fairest goddess is. Albeit it was indirectly but she has a nasty habit of acting before considering the consequences."

"Good point. Should we talk to her?"

"No good. She wouldn't tell us anything. She never liked me."

"But she does like your brother right?" Cana said with a suggestive eye brow raise. "I mean they are rather close and people have tended to let secrets slip out in moments of unbridled passion."

"Oh gods, I don't like where you're going with this."

"Hey you may not like it but this maybe our only chance of finding out what happened to Juvia. We just summon up your brother, ask him to pay Evergreen a visit, and try to coax some information out of her."

"Ugh." Mirajane shivered at the thought. "Alright, I'll summon him but only for Levy and Juvia's sake." 

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