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It had been happening for a while now. He wouldn't be as alert when the door slammed or when they were outside the castle. It wasn't really a problem until he nearly walked into a monster camp. She passed it off as a stupid teenage boy being a stupid teenage boy that was letting his gaurd down after they started secretly dating, but she was mistaken.

"Hey, Link?" She asked one day, not looking up from her book. When he didn't answer, she looked over at him. "Lin?"

His eyes were half open and glazed over. He was breathing slightly through his mouth and was a little slumped over.


His eyes shot back open and he shook his head. "I'm so sorry, Princess."

"What's going on with you? You've been so unalert and clumsy."

"It's nothing. Rough sleep last night."

"Not today! It's been weeks!" Zelda scolded. Link didn't respond and started glazing over again.

Zelda decided that she needed to talk with her father about this.

She went into the throne room with Link stumbling behind her, trying to keep his head up. He barely could get on his knees in respect.

"Zelda, shouldn't you be-"

"I already did my training, Father. This is about Link." Zelda snapped. Link wasn't awake enough to realize his name had been said.

"What about him? If this is about your jealousy-"

"No! Look at him! Take one look and see the condition he's in! He's obviously overworked, and that's your fault for making a KID a knight!" Zelda backed up, trying to give a legal explanation for her concern. "If he's not alert, he could be putting me in danger."

"That would be his fault, as he wouldn't take the right precautions-"

"You make him work through the night, too! He needs rest-"

An ominous thud came from behind the princess. She whirled around to see Link passed out on the cold, hard floor. Zelda gasped and ran over to him, pulling the knight into her lap. She ignored her Father's scolding for how intimate he was with her bodyguard, but she was more concerned about the fact that he had fainted.

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