Worrying too Much (Fall, Broken Ankle)

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"Princess, we shouldn't be out here!" Link growled. "It's too dangerous! You could hurt yourself!"

"Link, I'm just fine. I know how to do this." Zelda huffed, slowly making her way up the rocky mountainside.

Link scowled and followed her, knowing he couldn't stop her. With careful feet, he tested the rocks on the cliffside to start climbing with her. He felt some pebbles scrape his hands. "Be careful, Princess! Please!"

"I am, Link. You worry too much."

"It's my job to worry about you!" Link growled, distracted and misplacing his step. He yelped but held himself fast as the rock slipped out from under him.

"But you don't worry about yourself," Zelda laughed, continuing to climb. Link scoffed, hiding his amusement. He leaped faith to catch up with the Princess.

"Lin, you shouldn't do that. It's not safe."

"Who's worrying to much?" Link smiled warmly before testing the next rock and a strong-looking root.

The rock slipped, causing Link to pit his total weight on the root, making it snap. Link panicked for a second before trying to grab another rock; he didn't. He tried to break his fall any other way, but felt the impact in mere seconds.

A throbbing pain came from his foot. He looked over to his injured foot to see rocks covering it and restraining him from moving. He growled in frustration and flopped on the ground, but Zelda took that as 'passing out.'

"Link! Link, stay awake!" Zelda had slipped down the mountain more safely. She moved the rocks from his ankle and examined the damage. He was bleeding in quite a few places, but nothing really to do with the apparent break.

"Alright, let me move this-" Zelda bit her lip, focusing. Link hissed in pain as she touched the injured ankle and Zelda apologized profusely.

"We need to raise this above your heart until we can get you back to the castle. I'm quite sorry it hurts, but you fell quite a distance. You're lucky it wasn't your spine." She did what she said and then wiped a smudge of dirt and some tears of pain away.

"If my ankle is broken, then I'm-"

"No. Don't say it. If it makes you feel any better, we can say you were fighting to protect me, and you fell. Okay?"

Link frowned but nodded.

Zelda sighed, understanding he still needed time to recover before they headed back. She laid down beside him, resting her head on his chest, feeling his heartbeat.

"Zelda, you shouldn't-"

"I don't care. Nobody will find us here,"

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