Panic Attack (TW)

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Link looked ahead at Zelda, who was studying some deactivated guardians in Ash Swamp. Link felt anxious and uncomfortable in the place he had died 100 years before. His eyes drifted to the area where the Princess's power had finally awakened.

"Link? Are you alright?"

Link shook his head, but hastily corrected it to a nod. "Just fine, Princess."

"Come on; we'll go the other way."

"Thank you..." Link mumbled to himself.

They made circles around the area, Link's anxiety only growing. They finally circled back and Link grimaced as Zelda dismounted.

"I'm trying to figure out what effect my powers had on these guardians, but I've found nothing so far. Maybe the one I used it against initially will have something? I should have checked sooner. This is where you..." She paused before the two spoke in unison:



The princess frowned at Link's comment but continued to ramble away as Link felt himself get more and more dissociated. Finally, Link felt a tear roll down his face. Then another. Then another.

The Hero fell to his knees, sobbing.

Zelda whirled around, dropping the Sheikah Slate and running over to her knight. She seemed to pause, remembering things in books about helping with panic attacks. Before she could say or do anything, Link fell into a worse state, gasping for air and shaking.

"Link... Can you breathe? What's got you so-" Zelda caught herself, remembering their location. "You're safe. It can't hurt you anymore."

"But- but I..."

"Link, we defeated Ganon. All of the guardians have been deactivated. Try and breathe-"

Before she could finish, Link jumped at her, wrapping his arms around his princess. To "protect" her or himself, neither could tell. Zelda felt how fast his heart was going, how laboured his breathing was. She squeezed him in her arms, trying to to ground her knight. She peppered him with kisses, feeling how he calmed down when her lips met his skin. When he finally calmed down enough to function on his own, Zelda assured him that they would leave immediately, and never return.

-Never touch someone without consent, especially when someone is having a panic attack.
-Never tell someone to 'just calm down.'
-If someone is having a panic attack, speak slowly and softly.
-If someone has a panic attack, they are scared. Even if they are safe. Keep that in mind.
-Don't force anything on anyone, especially if someone if having a panic attack.
-The person having an attack knows themselves better than anybody. Listen to them.

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⏰ Last updated: May 13, 2021 ⏰

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