New Challenger [chapter 29]

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"I think they call those the wings of freedom," a kid stated from the side of Eren, opposite to you.

You smiled in their direction, a sad smile. You knew how many people died from this job and how dangerous it was. If death was considered freedom, then yes, many people were free after joining this regiment.

"They have the same enthusiasm I had when I was a kid and watched the scouts go out. It's weird to have the roles reversed," Eren said to himself.

You stayed silent and just observed the crowd of people that littered the gates. They were "sending you off", like they were really doing anything. Some people stood and admired Levi, while others did the same for Erwin and you. You didn't necessarily like the attention, being in the limelight with unfamiliar people definitely made you uncomfortable.

"I hate this," you whispered to yourself.

"The titans have be lured away from the gate, the mission will start in 30 seconds!" someone yelled to let everyone prepare themselves.

"You ready?" Eren asked, grinning at you from his horse.

"Ready as I'll ever be," you replied, a tiny smile making its way to your lips.

The gates opened, slowly but surely and then everybody was off. You were in Levi's squad, so naturally your horse followed his without any instructions.

"Listen Birdie," you said to your horse as she raced along the field along with everybody else's horses, "We're both gonna come back together no matter what. If I can't get back on you and end up riding a different horse back, please make sure to still go back to the walls with all the other scouts," you finished, which earned you a huff from Birdie.

"You named your horse Birdie?" Gunther gave you a quizzical look.

"Yeah," you replied nonchalantly.

"Why another animal of all names?" Oluo asked.

"Just to fuck with people," you said with an evil smile.

Levi turned around and looked at you with an expression you had never seen him wear before. A smile.

"I'm disappointed, but not surprised," he chuckled, startling your whole squad.

"Did I just get the Elf to laugh?" you asked in pure shock.

"Did hell freeze over?" Eren asked with wide eyes.

"It's not that uncommon," Levi grumbled.

"Yes it is," you replied while shaking your head to come out of your state of shock and focus on the mission at hand.

"I'm gonna say the n word," Marlin said in your head out of nowhere.

"Excuse you?" you said. (irl i'm black so it's fine if i say it but don't say it if ur not!)

"You heard me," he sassed.

"I-" you stuttered, "Don't say it!"

"I am and you're not gonna stop me," he said while clearing his throat.

"What?" was all you managed to say before Marlin started talking.

"...Nebraska!" he shouted.

You stayed silent for a moment, "You actually scared me."

"Marlin the Deceiver," Marlin said happily.

"Ooh a titan," you said as you looked off in the distance to see someone luring a titan away, "I wish I had that job, it seems like fun."

"You have to risk your life to do that job, even more so than this squad," Petra told you like you didn't already know.

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