Preparing Time [chapter 56]

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"Oi! Hands off Birdie!" you yelled upon seeing some random guy with a weird haircut trying to take your horse.

"What?" the redhead asked, as if he didn't know that was your horse.

Everybody, I mean everybody knew you were the only one allowed to ride Birdie unless given special permission by you. That's the way things were, and the scouts respected that. Especially when Levi started enforcing the rule because of an unfortunate event where someone tried to take Birdie and you caught them which led to them loosing a finger...

but that's a story for another time!

"That's her horse man. You better give her Birdie or you may end up without a nose," Moblit commented.

"Moblit!" you shouted in excitement of seeing master Hange's partner who she talked highly about.

"Hey y/n," Moblit waved as he took your horse from the red head and brought her to you.

"Thanks for my horse," you thanked Moblit while petting Birdie's mane.

"No problem, kid," he said as he ruffled your hair before walking off.

You continued to do the tasks given to you, but that came to a hault when you found a tub of water and started splashing in it a little.

"You need to stop playing around and get to work! This is a very important mission and I don't want some teenager screwing it up," someone ordered you when they noticed your hunched over figure splashing water around.

They were more than likely part of one of the lesser groups that didn't get to see you often, so it wouldn't be a surprise if they didn't know you were on Levi's squad. They probably thought you were a new recruit or something.

Sasha and Mikasa were both near you when this incident happened, sitting back and watching so they could cut in if you got too harsh.

"I am one of humanity's best. I don't think I could mess this up too bad," you replied as you continued splashing in the water, not once looking back.

"I'm going to tell captain Levi of your rudeness," the man said like that would make you clean up, "Who are you?" Yeah, no. This man set himself up for failure.

"Man I be that pretty mother fucker man," you said as you bit your bottom lip slightly, standing up and turning around to face the guy.

"Asap?" Mikasa asked as she put her arm around your shoulder, catching on to your little act.

"Yessir," you replied with a nod.

"Rocky?" Sasha asked as she rested her head on your shoulder.

"Yessir," you nodded once again.

"Welcome to Austin Texas Asap," Mikasa said.

"Thank you sir," you smiled as you made eye contact with the now fuming soldier.

"Where did you come from?" the guy asked angrily, referring to which squad you were in. Now you knew this is what he was talking about, but did you answer the question correctly? No.

Where's the fun in that?

"I crawled out from the flaming gates of hell," you responded with an evil smirk.

The man scowled while rolling his eyes, "This is why women should just stay in the kitchen where they belong."

"Oh boy..." Marlin muttered, knowing this was going to end up with someone getting hurt in some way. "But give him hell!"

"Excuse you?" Jean asked, over hearing the whole thing.

"No, no. I got this," you waved of Jean who put his hands up in defeat as he stepped back.

"He's a dead man," Armin muttered as he stopped what he was doing to supervise the situation.

You started walking past the person, causing him to be slightly on edge, "Oh don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you. The kitchen I'm in is just in the direction that's behind you," you lied, causing the man to let out a sigh of relief, as small smirk formed on his face because he thought he made a point.

Many people let out gasps at your nonviolent approach, not expecting anything of the sort.

"I lied!" you yelled as you turned around, grabbing his arm and pinning it behind his back, using your foot to knock him down face first into the ground.

You then jumped on top of him, pushing his arm up to make the pain more extreme, which only caused him to yell.

"Shut up. I'm not even trying to hurt you yet," you rolled your eyes as you slowly started turning his neck into a very uncomfortable position that only caused him to yell out even louder in more pain.

"Woah, woah, woah," Eren said as his eyes landed on your figure sitting on top of the man.

Eren ran over to you, hugging your body to pull you away from the man who was grunting on the floor.

"What happened?" Levi monotoned, only seeing Eren take you away from the man on the floor who looked kind of beat up.

"He was pissing me off," you spat while glaring at the man as you were bound by the mortal chains known as Eren, so trying to kill him was not an option at the moment. Especially with a bunch of witnesses.

"No I didn't. Sir, all I told her was that she needed to get back to work and then she went haywire," the man lied.

"Bitch-" Jean started stepping forward but was held back by Armin who knew exactly what to do.

"Actually captain, he said some sexist things. That's the reason y/n started sparring him a little. She was barely even trying to make it hurt," Armin said, knowing those words would be convincing enough.

"I see," Levi muttered as he approached the guy, putting his foot in his face, bending down to whisper something that only the guy would be able to hear.

"If you ever insult or lay a finger on any of my brats, especially y/n, ever again, I will make your life a living hell."

"Get back to work," Levi monotoned to the rest of the people observing as he walked away from the scene.

"Thanks dad!" you chirped as you happily got back to getting stuff ready.

"Can I have some food," Sasha whined as she lazily got up from the spot she was sitting in and got back to her chores.

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