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School ended and Cullens went near their car and hellari group went towards their car. When hellari remember something.

She walked towards Cullens and Bella. And stood infront of them.

" if your here for apologizing then it's of no use " Bella exclaimed

Hella had WTF look on her face. She ignores Bella and faced jasper.

" this is my card. It have my phone number and house address. We have a project so call me when you free " hellari

 We have a project so call me when you free " hellari

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Rosalie snorted at Bella. Emmett gestured her to not.

" thank you Avery and here my card"

They exchange the cards and hellari went in her car's driving seat and went off the campus.

Jasper, Alice and rose looked at their card and Alice gasped!


" was married " jasper corrected

" how do you know? " Emmett

" she had a engagement / coaxing ring in her finger. She wears all black out of her house which depicts death of mate / husband and I touched her hand by mistakely. And she was in grief and pain " jasper

" leave her now! She insulted me! " Bella said

" you picked fight with her bella" Alice said

" Edward! " Bella screeched

Edward was in his own thoughts. Why can't he read her and new students mind?

" Edward let's go! " Bella dragged him.

" I feel pity for him" jasper said under his breath.

Everyone exceptionally Edward went back to their home and saw an unusual sight.

Their father was home. Very rare since he do not like to stay free.

" how was the day? " Mr Cullen asked

" fun! " Emmet replied

" well that's an unusual answer!  What happened today? " Esme came out of kitchen

" new students from London. Edward was staring at the girl and Bella got jealous she tries to bully the new girl but the girl was queen. She made fun of Bella infront of cafeteria. Bella was literally boiling !" rose said excitedly

" and she gave her number to jasper " Emmet said

" that's just for a project " jasper exclusive

" yeah yeah whatever " Alice smiled

" TBH everyone in their group were looking so beautiful and powerful! " Emmet

" yeah like so confident and not playing quite victim like bella" rose said.

" you should not say like this she is your brother's mate" Esme replied

" you sure about it?  I doubt sometimes " Emmet

Their conversation was cut off by angery Edward coming in house

" what happened Edward? " Mr Cullen asked with worry

" nothing! " Edward

Alice gasped and rose ran in super speeding towards her.

" what did you see? " rose asked

" I saw the new girl and Bella fighting. More like new girl beating crap out of her and Edward standing and not saying a word "

" wow " Emmet said

" shut up Emmet " Rosalie scolded

" no. Like someone touching Bella infront of Edward and Edward not saying anything it's seems to be impossible " Emmett said

Dark Lord Hadrian ( Tommary) (Tom Riddle X Harry Potter) Ft. Twilight Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя