forming court

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At medi wing
On the same point, Blaise and Hadrian were talking

" MADAM POMFORY! " a first-year student yelled and media witch cane running and saw a 7th-year student in two 1st year student arm

" What happened to him? " MP ( madam comfort)

" w....we don't k...know!" first-year student

" put him on the bed " MP

Students put him on the bed and they both hear footsteps. Blaise entered the media wing

" Madam Pomfrey is he alright? " BZ

" he is alright Mr zabini just dehydrated and numb legs? " MP

" What happened to him? " MP

" he was dealing with his friend and his friend put the freezing spell on his legs maybe? " BZ

Madam Pomfrey gave him a skeptical stare but nodded

" He needs rest" MP

In common room

Draco came into an empty common room only Hadrian was sitting there and reading a book

" it's great that today is Saturday otherwise they are not in a position to attend class " DM ( Draco Malfoy)

" anything serious? " HM ( Hadrian Malfoy)

" no all fine. They will be good as new in an hour till breakfast " DM

" good " HM

A common room opened revealing professor snape

" what good deeds we have done to see professor snape in the common room? " HM

His eyes were fixed on the book.

" I sensed dark raw magic? " SS ( serverus snape)

" oh nothing just some small punishments to students " HM

He told like it was a small deal

" what punishment? " SS

" nothing just kneeling on one knee full night? " HM


Severus's yell didn't even affect Hadrian. His eyes were still fixed on the book.

" Answer me goddammit! " SS

" don't raise your voice " HM

Hadrian's Raw magic started affecting serverus. He was trying hard not to submit.

" trying hard not to submit, aren't we? HM

" s... Sorry " SS

The magic stopped. And snape felt at ease.

" I don't like when someone raises his or her voice at me.  Get that !"

The common room door again open revealing zabini

" the seventh year is fine just dehydrated! " BZ

Hadrian nodded

" Blaise do a favor too. me and show the professor the way outside of the common room. "

" yes "

Snape was aw struck to see the way zabini catch the commands like an inner circle of Voldemort

" shall we proceed professor? " BZ

Snape left the common room leaving Hadrian Blaise and Draco

" check on students and bring the seventh year from media wing " HM

Time skipped

Everyone was sitting on the floor only Hadrian was sitting on an armchair and Blaise and Draco on single couches

" Theodore nott? " HM

Theo stood up with shaky legs not bcoz of pain bcoz of fair

" yes my grace " TN ( Theodore nott)

Hadrian smirked

" I like you boy! " HM

This statement made Theo as happy as he could not even imagine

" I heard ur father is a very loyal death eater? " HM

" y... Yes my grace " TN

" yes, not family most loyal family ever!  It is written in history. I heard that you don't have many friends? " HM

" being the son of accused death eater is not easy my grace " TN

Hadrian hummed

" loyalty. And who do you submit your loyalty to? Voldemort? "

There were many gaps in the common room

" my grandfather always said to be loyal but never said to follow his beliefs and lord! " TN

" very well said by your grandpa and who do you summon your loyalty to?  " HM

" the person who sees me worthy? " TN

" what if I see you worthy enough to be a member of my court? " HM

" I Theodore nott summoned my loyalty to my only lord, Hadrian Malfoy " TN

" you may " HM

Hadrian started reading a book again

" Welcome to the court Theodore nott," said Blaise and Draco both

Dark Lord Hadrian ( Tommary) (Tom Riddle X Harry Potter) Ft. Twilight Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon