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( main focus on hella)

Malfoy manor.

Mr and Mrs diggory were their with all inner circle including Sirius Black,  Remus lupin who were both in secret hideout of dark lord and Malfoy family. Cedric's body was in the coffin. Everyone was dressed in black. Hella was not crying neither had any expressions on face. She was staring at her mate. Who was dead. She still remember the day when they met.

First kissed, mated those were beautiful memories. The only thing left were memories. Mrs digger came and hugged hella who didn't even moved.

" hellari?  Please my dear show some emotions. Don't bottle up yourself " Mrs diggory.

Hellari didn't said anything. She still had the coaxing ring on her ring finger. She was looking at it and smiling. She rubbed the ring and whispered ' I love you now and forever ' but this time there was no one who could say forever in return.

Tom couldn't stand the miserable situation of hellari. He couldn't see once her sister with a big grin but now she was dead. From inside she was dead. The outer body was just a shell left.

Tom put his hand on hellari shoulder. At this time Tom was not so worried about his mate. He knew Hadrian will Handel it well but what will hellari do?

" I will be in my room" hellari said

She was wearing a black gown and she went in her room. She removed her clothes and went in washrooms. She filled the tub with water and sat in.

Slowly and slowly she started leaning in water. She took the dagger which was next to sink.

She took each strange if her hair and started cutting them

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She took each strange if her hair and started cutting them . She was crying her heart out in grief of his mate's death. She went rampage and cut her hair unknowingly.

She went out of washrooms in black robe. She went near her wardrobe and took out all the whites, pink and other colored clothes and put them in bag. She went out. Everyone were in living room after they buried Cedric's body. They saw hella in a robe with two bags in her hands. Draco and Blaise ran outside and saw hellari throwing her clothes in garden and then setting them on fire. They were devastated by seeing someone this close.

Only person who could calm hellari was Hadrian who was in askaban until his date of trial.

Hellari went in living room. She could sense everyone's emotions. Tom was worried about hella and Hadrian. Draco was stiff and in grief. Mr and Mrs Malfoy were given sympathy. Mr and Mrs diggory were in grief.

" how could I sense your all emotions? " hellari asked quietly.

snape came forward

" Cedric's one of the powers were emotions manipulator since he bit you may be his this gift was transferred to you " SS

Hellari nodded. She again went in her room. This was the reason why she was getting sicker and sicker. Her creature sensed the death if his mate. Cedric himself saved her so hellari won't suicide. It's an act of shame and weakness and Cedric diggory's mate is not a weakling.

She will face everytime and will make hadrian come out of askaban

Dark Lord Hadrian ( Tommary) (Tom Riddle X Harry Potter) Ft. Twilight Where stories live. Discover now