Sirius Black

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Time skipped like this the finals arrived all the slytherine some due to hadrian's fear and some students genuinely started studying.

Most of the time slytherine would be found in library. Ravenclaw and slytherine were helping each other and sometimes hufflepuff would join group studies. Many 4th years got there creature inheritance and also mates. But Hadrian didn't want to hear any excuse

Hadrian was sitting on slytherine table without his gryfindor members. Degorry would usually help then when they needed. Since it was morning mails came Hadrian didn't care and continued reading his book. But he heard a small gasp and saw Draco and Hermione staring at newspaper.

" what is it? " HM (Hadrian Malfoy)

" read it! " HF ( Hermione frenqui)

Hadrian took the newspaper

" serius black ran from askaban? " HM

" he is your godfather and our uncle as well. " DM ( Draco Malfoy)

" so what's so bad? " HM

" according to father black was sent to azkaban without trail and he loved you dearly and when he knew you are missing he joined light as spy of dark to find information about you! May be he knew and got arrested! " DM whispered

" so he is in dark force? " HM

" yes! " HF

" known to be best duler of dark side after Bellatrix aunt. And great assassin " BZ

Hadrian nodded and from corner of eye he saw someone getting up and ran outside. He sighed.

" little one do me a favor! " HM

" yes my human? " bl ( basili)

" look at this man (while showing newspaper) if you find him in forbid forest tell. Me! " HM

" yes my human! " bl

Basili slither silently and went out. Serius black? Seemingly my mom is the only black which is normal her one sister is crazy second brother is also in askaban. He need to find serius beforehand aurors found him.

His eyes lifted and saw young weasley staring at him? Blaise also noticed it.

" guys I will be busy. I am going to. Professor snape class " HM

All nodded and Hadrian left the hall. He heard a person foot steps behind him. Before he could turn he felt a hard pill on his hair.


Ron pulled Hadrian to a broom closet. Which hair were once platinum blonde were now red by blood. Hadrian started leave his raw magic. Hadrian was a few inch in air


hadrian's group felt his magic flow in air and left the hall running in full speed. Hadrian hairs were dripping blood and Ron was in air suffocated.  Blaise ran away to call professor snape before any other professor could come.

Ron's face was purple

" kill him " FW ( Fred weasley)
" he is of no use! ' GW ( George weasley)


" Hadrian calm down! " SS ( serverus snape)

And Hadrian fainted due to excessive blood loss and was about to fall when diggory and twins held him

" take him to medical wing!"  SS

Everyone rushed to hospital wing

" oh MERLINE what happened to him? " madam pomfory (MP)

" Ron weasley dragged him " CD

" oh my poor boy " MP

Madam pomfory send everyone out of medi wing. Till then Ron's memory was changed. He never saw hadrian's magic instead professor snape's came there.

Snape called Malfoy couple through fire call.

3 hours took fully to treat Hadrian.

Malfoy couple burst in medi wing. They saw Hadrian's head covered in bandages!

" my "NM ( narcissa Malfoy)

" is he alright poppy? " LM ( Lucius Malfoy)

" fortunately he was bought on time and will be alright in few hours but Mr Ron weasley will get a suitable punishment! " MP

" that son of a foul cockroach will die from my hand! " LM

Dark Lord Hadrian ( Tommary) (Tom Riddle X Harry Potter) Ft. Twilight Where stories live. Discover now